Coronavirus discussion thread (no political debates) VII

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Registered User
Mar 26, 2014
went out tonight to do a few things. of note:

most places were open. The small mom/pop grocery stores, convenience stores, even a famous local restaurant (mom/pop restaurant for 30+ years) was open- you go in, order at the cash register and wait for your food, just like always. It's right near the 401. You just can't go in to the little dining area to eat - but no ever did in the first place, this joint has always been walk in the front door, place your order with the cashier then step aside while they make your food and let the next person in line place their order. So where is all this "mom and pop stores are shut down"... I haven't seen any of them shut down and believe me I have been paying attention. They are all open.

Toronto went into this panic "red zone" mode and literally nothing has changed. lol. whatever was open before is still open now. they tried to scare us with the red color chart but there is nothing different LOL. what they are doing is surreal.

Went to 3 different big box stores tonight. All open, and crammed with people. Holiday shoppers. No one paying attention to how many are in the store. Walk right in. Big corporate box stores (you know who they are). Absolutely f-all in terms of "physical distancing", some masks half on/half off, I even watched a guy push open the entrance doors to get into the place (it was supposed to be the new next "exit" doors but he just pushed it open like a closing elevator and walked in, all while an an employee sitting inside on a chair watched him do it with a smile). No joke. More power to him, we need more of him. I assumed this employee was supposed to be taking a count of how many people come in/out but this one was paying no attention.

The news is feeding us pure fear and propaganda. What they are trying to sell us does not under any circumstances reflect what is actually going on. We are all being hoodwinked and the sooner people start to see this the better. Instead of mask-wearing auto-complying, these people should go out there and see for themselves how much of this is a lie. Go and see all the small mom/pop businesses that are still open. You will find them everywhere. Why are they still open? They're supposed to closed.

We all get angry when we hear about these small business closures but where they hell are they? Everything I looked for tonight was open as usual, and I was paying special attention to the small family businesses. Electronic shops, small grocers, convenience, dollar stores, everything- it's all good to go. And big box as usual- loaded with people getting their holiday shopping in. No one is going for this b.s. they are feeding us any more lol. What you see on your TV on the "6 o'clock news" is absolutely NOT what is actually happening out there

My Family has a restaurant supply business...they are down 80% in revenue's really affecting them all. The ones still open might be able to pay their bills...just barely..but thats about it except for the odd one who is doing well. They have been decimated by the lockdowns...Not everyone wants to pay and extra 30% plus tip to use Uber Eats....


Registered User
Mar 26, 2014
Re-infection would be exceedingly rare. I suspect most "re-infections" are simply a function of one of the tests being a false positive.

There have been 4 documented cases out of 54M....yet the media makes it sound like its very possible.I guess if you use the black swan hypothesis you can make that case..but its very, very unlikely. If it is true that you can get it over and over...why bother with a vaccine? unless they want to poke you every 6 months...this is going to be the new 9/ bio stocks....

Muston Atthews

Bunch of Bangerz
Jul 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
one thing I've come to notice is the virus sure seeks out the conservative minded anti maskers.

I'm shocked how many people who advocate about "open everything back up" have already had the virus. It's almost becoming comical.

Like there's a scout badge to wear or something, proudly exclaiming "I've had the virus, and I'm still alive - look at me" :)

And then there’s some who await the news every day to get their daily dose of fear. I’m sure you’d rather hear about people dying or becoming incapacitated after getting it
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Registered User
Aug 28, 2009
one thing I've come to notice is the virus sure seeks out the conservative minded anti maskers.

I'm shocked how many people who advocate about "open everything back up" have already had the virus. It's almost becoming comical.

Like there's a scout badge to wear or something, proudly exclaiming "I've had the virus, and I'm still alive - look at me" :)
Or instead of believing CNN and politicians, we could do our own research and make up our own minds?

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers - PubMed

"......Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%."

So virtue signalling by wearing a cloth mask that allows 97% penetration will stop a virus in it's tracks? Cool. ;)

The best part is because we are essentially wearing Fruit Of The Loom banana hammocks on our face that do next to nothing, people are making baseless assumptions and blaming others for apparently "ignoring protocols" when case numbers spike (which in and of itself is solely a function of the unprecedented levels of testing currently occurring and should be ignored as a guide) and are now wanting stricter measures.

If we are going to mandate mask wearing, let's at bare minimum make it a mask that actually does something - other than visually cover part of your face.

The Hanging Jowl

Registered User
Apr 2, 2017
My Family has a restaurant supply business...they are down 80% in revenue's really affecting them all. The ones still open might be able to pay their bills...just barely..but thats about it except for the odd one who is doing well. They have been decimated by the lockdowns...Not everyone wants to pay and extra 30% plus tip to use Uber Eats....

And to be honest, I don't go to a restaurant for their food. I can buy and make food. I go for the ambience or gathering with friends. I even go (often) to a restaurant by myself and read a newspaper just to find some peace from work and the fam. Curbside and delivery does nothing for me.


Registered User
Aug 28, 2009
Niagara, Ontario
And then there’s some who await the news every day to get their daily dose of fear. I’m sure you’d rather hear about people dying or becoming incapacitated after getting it
Hahahahaha. I don't look at the numbers for my "daily dose of fear". I haven't been living in fear through this whole thing, just like the majority of the population. I have lived my life just like the rest of you should. Since I work with the public daily all I and my fellow co-workers want is for people to follow the rules in place and stop being rude and inconsiderate to us.

Believe what you want to believe but try to be nicer to the employees at all businesses. None of us like living like this but stop taking it out on us. I will say it right now and don't care how it makes people feel but I am at the point where I HATE EACH AND EVERY ONE. All that matters to me is my family.

I used to respect people but since this started too many of you have no respect for each other. Back in March people were willing to follow guidelines and help each other. Since then all everyone just wants to fight with each other.


Registered User
Jan 18, 2014
Almost none of the Covid tickets will hold up in court. They're mostly being awarded in the interest of pageantry. You basically have to be actively spreading for any to stick.

That cop was not winning Mr congeniality at the pageant:)
Mr congenital

The Hanging Jowl

Registered User
Apr 2, 2017
Ok, if you like far right news outlets, take all news outlets with a grain of salt, read them all, do some fact checking and make your own conclusions.

I never accept a story at face value. The first thing I do is scan the reader comments to see if someone knows another source with a different perspective and I purposely read a wide spectrum of left/right news sources to make sure I'm hopefully getting the full picture. Too many people just search out news sources that confirm what they think they already know. That's not being informed at all IMO.


Registered User
Aug 28, 2009
I never accept a story at face value. The first thing I do is scan the reader comments to see if someone knows another source with a different perspective and I purposely read a wide spectrum of left/right news sources to make sure I'm hopefully getting the full picture. Too many people just search out news sources that confirm what they think they already know. That's not being informed at all IMO.
Exactly. Truth seekers look for all viewpoints (both pro and con) to get an informed opinion, while virtue signallers only look for confirmation of their bias and then mock/shame/threaten others who disagree.
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Registered User
Aug 15, 2020
Fear often manifests itself in the form of denial.

Viruses kill people especially older people and health compromised people. I'm in a higher risk category myself but I'm willing to take the risk of succumbing to the virus with an opened world for the benefit of those younger and healthier than myself not to have the next decade of their lives ruined. Does that sound like denial or fear? Enough of the projecting.


Слава Україні!!
Sep 6, 2006
I used to respect people but since this started too many of you have no respect for each other. Back in March people were willing to follow guidelines and help each other. Since then all everyone just wants to fight with each other.

Last part is what I think is the bigger issue at this moment than the virus. The great divide.
I have certain friends who constantly send me only right wing / nameless youtube videos then I have others that keep sending me articles on the rising cases ect ect.
At this point I'm just getting annoyed at "both sides" cuz it seems like it's one side vs the other and only that. "You are wonkru or you're enemies of wonkru" (line from a tv show called the 100 I just binged.


Registered User
Aug 28, 2009
It all depends on the thread count of the material being used.
No, it doesn't make a real substantive difference. The facts are here.

Mask Facts - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

"COVID-19 is as politically-charged as it is infectious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO, the CDC and NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged wearing masks as not useful for non-health care workers. Now they recommend wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are hard to do (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). The recommendation was published without a single scientific paper or other information provided to support that cloth masks actually provide any respiratory protection. Let’s look at the data."
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Muston Atthews

Bunch of Bangerz
Jul 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Hahahahaha. I don't look at the numbers for my "daily dose of fear". I haven't been living in fear through this whole thing, just like the majority of the population. I have lived my life just like the rest of you should. Since I work with the public daily all I and my fellow co-workers want is for people to follow the rules in place and stop being rude and inconsiderate to us.

Believe what you want to believe but try to be nicer to the employees at all businesses. None of us like living like this but stop taking it out on us. I will say it right now and don't care how it makes people feel but I am at the point where I HATE EACH AND EVERY ONE. All that matters to me is my family.

I used to respect people but since this started too many of you have no respect for each other. Back in March people were willing to follow guidelines and help each other. Since then all everyone just wants to fight with each other.

sounds like you just hate your job bro. I wear a mask and am nice to retail/essential workers. Not agreeing with most of this shit and being polite are not mutually exclusive.

people followed in March because all of this was so new and no one knew what to do. Now there are plenty of numbers and research that proves a lot of what we are being forced to do doesn’t really help at all. Of course people aren’t going to want to do it


Registered User
Aug 15, 2020
We've watched a massive cognitive decline in our elderly relative through Skype as she's been confined to her room for most of this. She's atrophied from mobile to wheelchair ridden and falling a half dozen times surviving several strikes to her head. The last Skype call her entire face was bruised from her most recent fall. She's wearing the same clothes for the past 10 calls despite starting the shutdown with a full wardrobe of clothing. She had been used to daily visits from her family and a full itinerary of activities. It's gd grim. This isn't saving her, it's gd living torture.

The Hanging Jowl

Registered User
Apr 2, 2017
Viruses kill people especially older people and health compromised people. I'm in a higher risk category myself but I'm willing to take the risk of succumbing to the virus with an opened world for the benefit of those younger and healthier than myself not to have the next decade of their lives ruined. Does that sound like denial or fear? Enough of the projecting.

My dad's in his mid-70s and I talked to him about this back in the Spring and he said he couldn't care less about getting a virus. I mentioned he was vulnerable and he responded "So? It's the natural order of things." LOL. I wonder how many of the people we're protecting feel the same. I know my wife's grandmother (95 I believe) has told my father-in-law for years now she just wants to die. Not being cold here but adding some perspective.
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Registered User
Sep 21, 2005
No, it doesn't. The facts are here.

Mask Facts - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

"COVID-19 is as politically-charged as it is infectious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO, the CDC and NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged wearing masks as not useful for non-health care workers. Now they recommend wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are hard to do (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). The recommendation was published without a single scientific paper or other information provided to support that cloth masks actually provide any respiratory protection. Let’s look at the data."

Yes it does, that’s not even debatable, I read lots of articles on this.
Are you telling me a cloth mask with a thread count of 1500 threads per square inch (weave of horizontal and vertical threads) is not better than one with 400, because that would be wrong.
Study: A good cloth mask is a powerful weapon against the coronavirus
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