I’m sure he has regrets and we will never know if Its just because he got caught, but that statement was too good. I think his agent wrote that one. I do give him credit for coming out and taking responsibility.Easy way out is a hell of a way to phrase it. Perry could be taking this seriously and seeking help or he could be sorry he got caught and going through the motions to get his career back. But either way it's not gonna be easy.
I never said you were wrong. I CLEARLY stated the HAWKS could be in the right. However, you still don't understand how the NHLPA will operate.
SPC stands for Standard Player's Contract. It is quite simply an acronym for any valid NHL player contract. It is a standardized contract that acts as the sole form of contract for all player signings compliant with the latest NHL CBA. Again, all player signing must be compliant with the latest NHL CBA.
This is where the NHLPA will have the contention. Does the current CBA allow NHL teams to define misconduct for termination of a guaranteed contract? If so, the NHLPA are idiots. The Hawks just opened Pandora's Box. Can you imagine the ramifications to future contracts? And that is why the NHLPA will fight it just to get more clarity.
Because you don't seem to understand the SPC has to be compliant with the latest CBA. That's why I said the CBA trumps all minus legal issues in a labor dispute.
You couldn't be more way off on all of this. Like... it's blatantly obvious that you have absolutely zero understanding of the CBA, the MOU, and SPCs.
Read my last post. Or better yet, GO READ THE CBA AND MOU, because it's painfully obvious that you haven't ever looked at them.
And why would you define an SPC as if I don't know what it is?
I've used both the term SPC and standard player contract numerous times throughout this shitshow with you. I mean... this is absolutely embarrassing for you at this point.
Of course his agent wrote that.I’m sure he has regrets and we will never know if Its just because he got caught, but that statement was too good. I think his agent wrote that one. I do give him credit for coming out and taking responsibility.
Just glad he is gone and it was handled well.
Reminds me of that The Players Tribune article website. Does that even exist anymore, I don't recall talks about those articles in some years but they were always things dictated by players other people wrote.Any time you see something that a hockey player wrote that was longer than a short tweet, it's a safe bet it was written by someone else.
From Elliot Friedman:Again, the NHLPA can file a grievance against the Hawks for violating the CBA. They don't have to file a grievance on behalf Corey Perry. Will it help to have Perry as a witness? Absolutely.
If the NHL is anything like the NBA or NFL, it will be held behind closed doors in front of an arbiter. That's the advantages of a CBA.
I don't have a problem with what the Hawks did. However, from a union standpoint, it has to be alarming that a guaranteed contract was terminated for the first time for misbehavior in recent memory. Other teams can and will use the Hawk/Perry situation to do the same ... which causes major problems for the NHLPA.
Reminds me of that The Players Tribune article website. Does that even exist anymore, I don't recall talks about those articles in some years but they were always things dictated by players other people wrote.
I will say this: Perry was in his 2nd year in the NHL, still very green. He got asked to do a radio interview about the tournament, it didn't go great. We immediately did up some cue cards with talking points for him.Any time you see something that a hockey player wrote that was longer than a short tweet, it's a safe bet it was written by someone else.
Yet, not one of them has done something inappropriate to a team employee, while wasted, at an event, with sponsors present, except Perry.We're talking about NHL players. There a lot of Neanderthals on the roster
I understand the Perry argument. It's peanuts compared to the ramifications. It's not about Perry getting his $3mn.From Elliot Friedman:
“ He has 60 days to file a grievance, which, if he wins, would restore the financial compensation. The NHLPA cannot proceed unless Perry agrees”
You are wrong. Just stop.
Someone posted this on the main board.
According to the After the Whistle podcast hosted by Andrew Peters and Craig Rivet, Perry grabbed the booty of an employee at a corporate event at the end of the evening while intoxicated.
Because it was at a corporate event, the no tolerance policy with the Blackhawks (it was not reported by the employee but by someone else), is what caused this issue.
They went on to say that Perry is likely going to sign with Edmonton for a league minimum 750k, as he already received a 2 million signing bonus with the Blackhawks.
Episode 369 "WHATEVER IT TAKES TO WIN" with Derek Roy – After The Whistle – Podcast
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Gotta wonder if and when some of these accounts posting this stuff get hit with some libel/slander lawsuits.
"i DiDn'T kNoW bEdArD's MoM wAs An EmPlOyEe"
"ThIs Is MoRe PrOoF tHaT hE bAnGeD cOnNoR's MoM... LeT's HaRrAsS hEr UnTiL sHe HaS tO dElEtE aLl HeR sOcIaL mEdIa"
Doesn't matter to those dolts that more and more evidence comes up against that bogus and childish f***ing claim.
I am a bit surprised someone would sign him so quick if this is true, especially after the statement Perry put out about his drinking nd mental health. Will see what happens, someone else’s headache nowSomeone posted this on the main board.
According to the After the Whistle podcast hosted by Andrew Peters and Craig Rivet, Perry grabbed the booty of an employee at a corporate event at the end of the evening while intoxicated.
Because it was at a corporate event, the no tolerance policy with the Blackhawks (it was not reported by the employee but by someone else), is what caused this issue.
They went on to say that Perry is likely going to sign with Edmonton for a league minimum 750k, as he already received a 2 million signing bonus with the Blackhawks.
Episode 369 "WHATEVER IT TAKES TO WIN" with Derek Roy – After The Whistle – Podcast
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices – Listen to Episode 369 "WHATEVER IT TAKES TO WIN" with Derek Roy by After The Whistle instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed.podtail.com
Which is pretty funny considering how huge a deal some were trying to make out of it.I had completely forgotten he was ever here. Will go down as the most minor of footnotes.