Coming back to life

I'm talking about the ignore thread feature. Don't know about the ignore posters feature.
I broke the ignore posters function. I had all Toronto fans on mine. And Florida fans. And Tampa Fans. And Rangers fans. And all Islander fans.

Actually I have the entire league on ignore. I find I need my own personal echo chamber these days!:DD
Any way to get dark mode yet? Or is that coming later as the site works through issues?
Putting my $12 order for my cancelled sponsorship back in tonight when I get home.

Meantime, I felt like I was in a sealed cave. I kinda knew what was going on in the League — certainly scores — but holy shit is HF Boards my main source of hockey news and updates!!! I kind of knew it. Now I know know it. Ho-ly shit. I’m certain I’m not alone.

Thanks for all the effort all those who were in the grist mill.


OK, someone help me. What is “dark mode”?

First time I just nodded along with you all. — like the kid at the party who has no f***ing idea what’s actually going on.

Since it seems to be back in discussion though…….. What the f*** is dark mode? Help a brother out, please.
Dark mode is the dark web.

It's where bad things happen, and everyone celebrates.


Actually, just means viewing HF against a dark or black background, and white text. For those of us who have difficulty with glare and brightness, it helps a lot.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Captain Kangaroo says hi,

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I need your help

Please make a fun wager in Sportsbook on tonight's game

I have to rebuild EVERYTHING as all data dating back to 2017 went to the ozone
It seems to have worked tonight. The low balance bonus was only $1 however if this helps.
I think TDL day was the straw that broke the camel's back

My new laptop (that I use for just about everything the last two years) could not login to HF Boards around supper time on TDL day, so I tried my old tablet (which worked for awhile..until it didn't)

Two of my sons have worked in IT for many years, and one of then told me that "Clouds" are the future, but some of them can be a pain in the ass to get up and running I wasn't surprised there were some issues with Xenforo Cloud

Hopefully they'll work out the bugs soon
Yes that could have been it. I was fortunate, I had no trouble with HF boards or TSN website.
Putting my $12 order for my cancelled sponsorship back in tonight when I get home.

Meantime, I felt like I was in a sealed cave. I kinda knew what was going on in the League — certainly scores — but holy shit is HF Boards my main source of hockey news and updates!!! I kind of knew it. Now I know know it. Ho-ly shit. I’m certain I’m not alone.

Thanks for all the effort all those who were in the grist mill.


OK, someone help me. What is “dark mode”?

First time I just nodded along with you all. — like the kid at the party who has no f***ing idea what’s actually going on.

Since it seems to be back in discussion though…….. What the f*** is dark mode? Help a brother out, please.
I just paid the $12 even though it shouldn't be due until the Fall
You reminded me, Susan. Just did the same.
By the way @Gee Wally ….. the contract documents I e-signed in order to re sponsor said that I could Moderate select games included on my 4 team NMC (Number8 Moderates Chickenshits).

I don’t have a copy of my contract but I hope this note will suffice.

In the meantime, the fans/teams I will like to moderate in the near future include Leafs, Panthers, Bolts and a team to be named later. Several in running for last precious spot.

Thank you.
adding hide avatars option

