Never really noticed this thread before, so here goes. Just for shits and giggles. I copy and pasted the questions from above.
Name: John
Gender: Male
Age: old
Location: Houston since 2014, Loveland, Colorado from 1979-2014
Relationship Status: Married.. 2nd time; great relationship with ex. Being 1100 miles apart helps
Occupation: Cyber security
Favoite Music: Anything, but prefer classic rock, hard rock, heavy metal (no hair bands) and maybe some blues and 50s stuff.
Favorite TV Show: Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, Married with Children, Scrubs, 3rd Rock from the sun, King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond. Plus a lot of Netflix stuff
Favorite Book(s) or Author(s): Rogue Warrior (RIP Richard "Demo Dick' Marcinko) most Stephen Hunter books
Favorite Av: Current: Cale Makar/ Nuke
All-Time: Foppa
Favorite Ex-Av: Adam Deadmarsh
Favorite non-Av: none
Next or other favorite team: none
How else is hockey in your life: Unfortunately none. Colorado had no hockey in my formative years.
How and when did you become an Av fan?
10/14/95. I was sick with the flu and was walking into the bedroom (button on tv) and then couldn't find the remote to change the channel from "this stupid hockey crap", so I watched a minute or two with volume I couldn't hear. I felt good enough to reach for my clock radio and turn to The Fan and once I heard Mike Haynes going bananas and Norm Jones dropping in some insights, I was hooked. I watched countless games with my infant daughter on my bare chest and it rubbed off on her because she loves the Avs and still hates Matt Cooke. She's too busy with school becoming a PA to get to watch, though. I clue her in when she has a spare minute or two on rare occasions. My son likes the Avs and both kids, my parents and Ex like to see the Eagles.
Least favourite AV moment: Deadmarsh trade, salary cap when the lower cheap teams flipped hockey on end and we lost Foppa, Foote, etc. Roy statue of liberty. Ef the Wings forever!!
Notes: I love to joke, laugh and tease and have the mindset of a teenager and younger. I don't mind making myself a target of jokes or shots and volunteer myself as a target just to laugh.
You aren't going to offend me. Unless you catch me on a rare bad day. Then, I get over it quickly and definitely don't hold grudges. My username in here in the old days was scottykarate, IIRC. I used to get into it HARDCORE with other team's fans on here and Facebook to where it was impacting my personal life and health. I could be heard pounding out replies from across the house and up the stairs. I self-banned myself until whatever the sign up date shown is. I lurked some, but never felt like signing up again until relatively recently. I'm glad I did, and I am glad I take time to think about what I post and realize this is a place to bond and both bitch and be happy with fellow Avs fans.
So, I'm old, but also new to this forum. I do remember when Dater was on here and RIAL was a great source.