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The NHL should piggy back on what the MLB does and have the MLB help stream their product
Their seasons are opposite, they aren't really competing sportsl ike the NHL and NBA
It's entirely possible that the NHL and MLB can't do that. Because MLBAM made MLBtv, and NHLtv with the NHL partnership as MLBAM split off non-baseball into BAMTech, which they sold to Disney.
One has to assume that the split of MLBAM/BAMTech means that MLBAM retains the rights to use the tech they created (and sold to DSS) FOR BASEBALL, but nothing else. There's gotta be some kind of non-compete clause that states MLB can't just go all BAMtech again and compete for properties with DSS.
In theory ESPN/Disney could scoop up the in market NHL games that are now on Bally's but that require Ballys coming to a agreement with NHL/Disney and would effectively end Bally's which Diamond Sports is just trying to restructure debt through bankruptcy.
There's also no way Disney is going to pay as much as Bally's was paying NHL teams(which Bally's cant even afford) to get just 12 teams. So it doesn't really work
Yup, and the other issue is that Bally's exists as Bally's because the FCC said ESPN/Disney couldn't own all the former Fox Sports RSNs as part of the merger.