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- Feb 13, 2019
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I'm curious where you've gotten your insight into the behinds thr scenes workings of NHL franchises. Have you been employed by one at some time? I'm legitimately wondering how you have insight into the hiring process of an NHL coach and what goes into them making personnel decisions beyond just observing from afarIt's not as simple as that, at least not to me.
The chances that I know more about the piloting and operation of an airplane than an experienced pilot is zero percent.
On the other hand, I could fill a medium-sized concert venue with people I've met in the casino industry (from players all the way up to casino managers) who assert their decades of experience in the industry mean they know more than I do about some aspects of our industry, banking only on superstition and half-information and conspiratorial thinking.
Ever see a grown man with silver hair in a $5k suit flicking birdseed under a craps table at one of the dealers with the genuine heartfelt belief that this would help? That doesn't even crack my top 10.
Now yes, I know that "casino industry" and "airline industry" are different; the former is soggy with superstition whereas there's none in the latter (Dr. Jason Leong's comedy routine about 'traditional pilots' not withstanding) but when it comes to sports, in terms of superstition and "traditional thinking", it's also a whole lot closer to the former than the latter. There's a lot that still gets done that's provably rubbish or just plain sub-optimal, but that's how it's been done for decades so by god, they're going to be done by practitioners for decades.
Appeal to authority is, overall, a pretty solid sign, but it's by no means infallible. And when you have people who think experience makes them infallible, well, like you said, Dunning-Kruger in action.
Not all jobs are formally schooled. Surgeons and pilots receive formal institutionalize training. Last time I checked, there isn't an "NHL Coach" faculty at the U of M. Sure there are Hockey Canada coaching certs... have you taken any? Again, legit curious
The way NHL coaches and GMs aquire their knowledge bases is through time in the industry and experience