And also forgetting that professional women's sports, specifically the WNBA, was treated as a joke and suppressed by TV networks for years. The boom period is directly because people want to watch it, and it is treated as the equal to male sports that it is. But then again, when you are a moron who believes that losing out to the WNBA is an indictment of Bettman and make it a specific hobby horse...there isn't much hope for realizing that nuance in order to push the image that Bettman is a failure, just from the other way compared to the usual Canadian nationalism angle.
It was more perception caused by media (articles.) Parallel with MLS the media narratives became quite the dichotomy. They both were given chances by TV Networks -suppressed, if you will, came later- WNBA on NBC beat MLS on ABC. Even when WNBA was on Lifetime it beat MLS on ESPN/espn2. Yet, the newspaper-to-website articles in that span, some would try to spin MLS as 'growing' while same types almost unanimously were panning WNBA ratings/viewership. It never made sense.
FF to mid-2010s and on the same network and WNBA averaged 20k'ish more and yet again, would get stories of "MLS is catching/passing the NHL" (just as absurd of a premise then as it is now) while they would say, "no one is watching the WNBA." Again, made little sense.
Even final MLS season pre-moving to Apple, both were on ABC and were even in the same/similar time slot and WNBA easily beat MLS viewership numbers. But would still get WNBA downplayed as not that popular while at the same time getting even more aggressive [and absurd] "MLS is catching/passing the NHL!" stories and 'takes' from media on socials -- making it more hilarious is that NHL was in the same ABC day/time slot as both WNBA and MLS and easily, as in not particularly close, beat both leagues in viewership for that day/slot.
Finally, Clark arrived, WNBA #'s exploded for her games and non-Clark games numbers improved ... to where they used to be! Which is most hilarious in that the same or same-type of media that panned the WNBA for numbers they got two-plus decades ago now throw parades for getting similar numbers now. Disingenous. While, obviously MLS is out-of-sight, out-of-mind on Apple. Still have a few holdovers trying to push their catching the "Big 4" [leagues] narrative but many have dropped that.
*The above excludes attendance which was always a more-than-fair-point on the WNBA's struggles but on the broadcast/ratings/viewership side the parallel last three decades with MLS was interesting to follow. One was always "no one is watching" while the other, while getting a fair amount of criticism as well, but also got a frequent amount of false narrative of catching, about to pass, even a few insane "passed the NHL" comments from media/sports business types.
Nope. Have to exclude and/or put in a lot of qualifiers, or just use a random single night/event and try to expand that to equalling the whole pie, to have MLS and/or the WNBA as more popular (broadcast viewership, total attendance, business wise, etc..) than the NHL in the U.S. and Canada -- since of course all three are two-country leagues (or WNBA will be if you choose to wait until Toronto plays their first game in 2026.)