Bones Malone
Owner - HF Boards
Y'all were into slavery too, didn't make it right.
Quiet Doland
The Maritimes consist of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.
TIL CI can't handle being wrong
What exactly are you "dressing" with this dressing as you call it?
Why did you add "Thanksgiving"?oh my!!!1
look what comes up if you do a google search for it:
who gonna argue me now?
oh my!!!1
look what comes up if you do a google search for it:
who gonna argue me now?
Them's fightin' words.....
fite me irl
i will bring muffins, you bring juice
no pulp pls
oh my!!!1
look what comes up if you do a google search for it:
who gonna argue me now?
It's stuffing. That's why you say "I'm stuffed" after eating copious amounts of stuffing. You don't say "I'm dressed". I've never been dressed at Thanksgiving.
So that's what your real name is.
The Bread Master
add me as a friend if you want
Nothing personal but I'd rather not.
Don't want any of the goombas around here to know me any more than they do now.