It seems like this is the third year he was supposed to break out.
Players like him usually take a longer time to develop. When they do, a team can be generously rewarded. But sometimes players also plateau or regress as the opposition learns how to play against them. If he struggles for the rest of the year, the Rangers are def. going to discuss whether they want to wait things out or maximize a return while their is still a shine to a young player.
he better.
he's the crown jewel draft pick.
our results on draft day, if he flames out, will be um... weak.
It's not a total wash - They turned Werek into Lindberg, a fifth rounder into Chad Johnson.
9 mins left in game vs Islanders, Kreider has tons of space coming down the right wing side 2-1, Fast is crashing the net hard and with tons of time and space, Kreider decides to stop at the hashmarks with his butt on the boards and just stand still for like 2 full seconds giving the Islanders plenty of time to get back and clog everything up and negate any possible chance.
That play right there was the perfect representation of Kredier's play thus far this season.
Complete and utter garbage tonight.
If Stepan wasn't hurt he'd warrant a HS.
9 mins left in game vs Islanders, Kreider has tons of space coming down the right wing side 2-1, Fast is crashing the net hard and with tons of time and space, Kreider decides to stop at the hashmarks with his butt on the boards and just stand still for like 2 full seconds giving the Islanders plenty of time to get back and clog everything up and negate any possible chance.
That play right there was the perfect representation of Kredier's play thus far this season.
every game he plays like this his contract next year gets cheaper.... good for the rangers in the long run(assuming he turns it around)
A Kreider-like player playing up to his potential is exactly what this team could use right now. Wonder where we can get one of those.
oh i agree.
but again, we drafted werek
no matter how we spin it, when you look at our high draft picks the last 10 years, i wince.
weve hit the lottery on rounds 3 and lower.
and some of our best players were other teams draft picks and unsigned fa's.
but the delzottos, sanguinettis, montoyas, korpikoskis and huge specimins. ugh.
The Rangers actually been one of the best drafting teams in the league relative to where they draft. IIRC the Rangers are 8 or 10, and they rarely draft high. They get a bad rap because of Jessiman and McIlrath.
Look up the goals scored by draft picks for each team the last 10 years.
Also, what was wrong with Del Zotto?