Rest in Peace Johnny Bower
Simmonds goes into these stretches where he's weak with his stick plays and late with the reads.
Simmonds goes into these stretches where he's weak with his stick plays and late with the reads.
Need a reset.No ones moving their feet.
Pretty much this, a lot of spicy takes in here over a guy who’s proven for many seasons he’s more than capableHopefully folks calm down a bit on Mrazek.
He's always been a solid goalie.
Your getting DrunkierestBecoming a bit of a dull game
This has never been in doubt… only overly reactionary people ever thought thisMrazek looks ok actually maybe he was an ok pickup
Simmonds goes into these stretches where he's weak with his stick plays and late with the reads.
My nightmareEngval and Holl on the ice at the same time.
A coach’s dream.
Simmonds goes into these stretches where he's weak with his stick plays and late with the reads.