Chelios runs mouth about Bettman

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Registered User
Mar 3, 2005
LMAO! Rant and rave all you want Chelly, but face facts: I'm sure PA members will continue to pay their dues every month, but for all intents and purposes, Bettman has broken the union.


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Master Shake said:
Sour grapes from a dinosaur who made way more money in this league then he ever should have.

Hey Chris, retire already. You suck now and have for a few years. Id rather Bettman stick around then some washed up has been who hasnt had a good year in a decade and was way overpaid the whole time.

Ron Hextall should come out of retirement and beat some sense into him.

Gee Wally

Old, Grumpy Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
HF retirement home
CarlRacki said:
Perhaps I'm oversensitive, but in my mind it's way out of line for Chelios to suggest Gary Bettman - a person of Jewish descent - be gassed. I'm not sure Chelios has the brain cells it would take to make the historical connections and realize how inappropriate those words are. My guess is it was unintentional. Still, one needs to choose words far more wisely.
Then again, maybe Chelios knows exactly what he's saying. He's always carried himself with such class and dignity.

wow...that didn't even dawn on me. I'm not Jewish but sure can see how that would hit home.

Can he really be that stupid ?


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Nov 15, 2003
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I disagree that he will be a good bobsledder. You have to be a very explosive sprinter to get the top times. I doubt that Chelios has it in him at age 43 or 44.

Plus, I wonder what these comments were supposed to tell us. Can't see a value there. And a tasteless choice of words.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2004

I thought theyd switch my crying swine, trough and crowbar post to this thread?

I guess they musta just deleted it!

BTW, I think get the gas means be fired.
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Magnus Fulgur

Registered User
Nov 27, 2002
The "gas" comment was way out of line...who uses "he should get gassed" as a harmless idiom? As in "yeah, Johnny doesn't work here any more, he got gassed." Remember, Chelios is the same person who insinuated that harm should befall the Bettman family during the last CBA "negotiations".

Chris Chelios...NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!


Registered User
Feb 9, 2005
Master Shake said:
Sour grapes from a dinosaur who made way more money in this league then he ever should have.

Hey Chris, retire already. You suck now and have for a few years. Id rather Bettman stick around then some washed up has been who hasnt had a good year in a decade and was way overpaid the whole time.

Chelios is 100% correct. Bettman focused so much on the PR battle and trying making the players look like the bad guys that it's now going to backfire on him. Now Bettman and the owners run a sports league in which so much people hate the actual product. Just another mistake by a "man" who knows nothing about the sport and about running a sports league.
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A Good Flying Bird*

Master Shake said:
Sour grapes from a dinosaur who made way more money in this league then he ever should have.

Hey Chris, retire already. You suck now and have for a few years. Id rather Bettman stick around then some washed up has been who hasnt had a good year in a decade and was way overpaid the whole time.

Yeah ... this is exactly what I'm talking about.

The Rant Thread only exists for people who say something that insults small market team fans.

Chris Chelios is a Hall of Fame Defenseman with Two Stanley Cup Rings.

You aren't.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2004
judging from Chelios's comments

Newsguyone said:
Yeah ... this is exactly what I'm talking about.

The Rant Thread only exists for people who say something that insults small market team fans.

Chris Chelios is a Hall of Fame Defenseman with Two Stanley Cup Rings.

You aren't.

Hes a spoiled brat and a hot head.

A Good Flying Bird*

craig1 said:
Not so fast:

"And that alone should be just cause for him to get the gas after this is all done."

To me, the suggestion that he be gassed sounds very much like a threat.

Good Lord.

A Good Flying Bird*

CarlRacki said:
Perhaps I'm oversensitive, but in my mind it's way out of line for Chelios to suggest Gary Bettman - a person of Jewish descent - be gassed. I'm not sure Chelios has the brain cells it would take to make the historical connections and realize how inappropriate those words are. My guess is it was unintentional. Still, one needs to choose words far more wisely.
Then again, maybe Chelios knows exactly what he's saying. He's always carried himself with such class and dignity.

Wow. It gets even better.

A Good Flying Bird*

Crazy_Ike said:
Boy if the media picks up on that Chelios is suggesting a Jewish person get "gassed"...

But, in all honesty, I'm pretty sure the bonehead was just suggesting he be fired. Even Chelios, one of the dumbest players in the league, couldn't be *that* stupid...

...could he?

Fox News should be on this any second now.

Does Chris Chelios support Al Qaeda?


Registered User
Guys, Chelios was a POS here in Chicago, and he is the same way in Detroit. Why these comments surprise anyone is beyond me. For the people supporting him on here...I guess your blind love for the idiots of this league will keep them in the NHL for another few years.

Sixty Six

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Feb 28, 2003
Pittsburgh, PA
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nyrmessier011 said:
Your the biggest idiot to post on these boards. You know dick about the game and the NHL.

Chelios is 100% correct. Bettman focused so much on the PR battle and trying making the players look like the bad guys that it's now going to backfire on him. Now Bettman and the owners run a sports league in which so much people hate the actual product. Just another mistake by a "man" who knows nothing about the sport and about running a sports league.

well whatever bettman did work, he split the union and got a favorable CBA... if bettman is bad i can't even imagine what goodenow is for allowing bettman do this to his group. I guess i took up too much of your time already, i'll let you go back to attacking people now

Lanny MacDonald*

nyrmessier011 said:
Your the biggest idiot to post on these boards. You know dick about the game and the NHL.

Chelios is 100% correct. Bettman focused so much on the PR battle and trying making the players look like the bad guys that it's now going to backfire on him. Now Bettman and the owners run a sports league in which so much people hate the actual product. Just another mistake by a "man" who knows nothing about the sport and about running a sports league.

Wow, the irony of you calling someone the biggest idiot to post on these boards! :biglaugh:

Bettman did nothing to the players that they did not do to themselves. They made themselves look stupid with a never ending stream of illogical sound bites that made them look like uninformed, uneducated, whining little brats. To make matters worse their leadership displayed those exact same qualities throughout the whole debacle.

You also should pull your head out of your buttocks and consider what you're saying. 8o+ percent were behind the owners and the NHL, which are the guys who own the product. The players are cogs in the machine and 100% replaceable. The fans proved that by their support of the ownership and league throughout the whole lockout.

Now don't cry too much. You supported the losing side and looked like a dufus throughout much of the debate, so take your lumps like a good little fella and accept the new and vastly improved game. Your big spending team almost drove the league into bankruptcy, but now its time to let some of the other teams drive.


What, me worry?
Dec 12, 2002
Chambly QC
Newsguyone said:
Yeah ... this is exactly what I'm talking about.

The Rant Thread only exists for people who say something that insults small market team fans.

Chris Chelios is a Hall of Fame Defenseman with Two Stanley Cup Rings.

You aren't.

He's also a dolt. There's a reason he was traded from the Habs - his off-ice antics were too damn embarrassing.

Sucked - the guy was a Norris winner and should have played here for twenty years, but he was too arrogant to care about the image of the most storied franchise in the NHL.

By the way, if Guy Lafleur drives up and flips you the bird, and then insults your parantage, do you say...

"Please sir, I want some more!"

I guess so... after all, he's a Hall of Famer and he owns Stanley Cup Rings, right?



Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
whether or not chelios "meant" what he said, he most certainly will need to apologize for the remark. totally uncalled for - i don't think we need a history lesson to discuss the holocaust, but saying bettman should be gassed is just plain stupid and ignorant.

as for the guy calling people idiots, well, it's quite ironic that you cannot even differentiate between your and you're. don't ya think? :biglaugh:

A Good Flying Bird*

chiavsfan said:
Guys, Chelios was a POS here in Chicago, and he is the same way in Detroit. Why these comments surprise anyone is beyond me. For the people supporting him on here...I guess your blind love for the idiots of this league will keep them in the NHL for another few years.

I guess since I support chelios, you are calling me a blind idiot, right?

(Note to Sotnos ... this is what I mean about indirect insults ... Do you get it now?)

Look, if Chelios is still playing this season, it will be because a team thinks he can still help.

Quite honestly, given his past payroll expectations, I doubt he'll get any offers.

However, despite his age, the last time he played, Chris Chelios was still one of the premier defensive defensemen in the game.
And his penalty killing is second to none.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Montrealer said:
He's also a dolt. There's a reason he was traded from the Habs - his off-ice antics were too damn embarrassing.

Sucked - the guy was a Norris winner and should have played here for twenty years, but he was too arrogant to care about the image of the most storied franchise in the NHL.

By the way, if Guy Lafleur drives up and flips you the bird, and then insults your parantage, do you say...

"Please sir, I want some more!"

I guess so... after all, he's a Hall of Famer and he owns Stanley Cup Rings, right?


i think the world is about to end - i agree 100% with a habs fan :amazed: :biglaugh:


Registered User
Jul 8, 2002
In deleted threads
The Iconoclast said:
Bettman did nothing to the players that they did not do to themselves.

Gotta agree. Try as I might, I can't think of a single thing Bettman said that was critical of the players or derogatory generally or specifically to any individual player. But I heard lots of "Gary's a madman," yada, yada.

A Good Flying Bird*

neelynugs said:
whether or not chelios "meant" what he said, he most certainly will need to apologize for the remark. totally uncalled for - i don't think we need a history lesson to discuss the holocaust, but saying bettman should be gassed is just plain stupid and ignorant.

as for the guy calling people idiots, well, it's quite ironic that you cannot even differentiate between your and you're. don't ya think? :biglaugh:


So you expect someone to apologize because some oversensitive, politically correct person on a hockey board puts two and two together and gets seven?

That's ridiculous.
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