Honestly I wouldn't credit Kilam as much for the Calgary results. I would actually credit a solid org run by Hugnagel, Dickenson, etc, and that established decades of stability there. Kilam was a bit piece of that, although he won't think that. Some people watched the presser and figured out that "we're going to play an Edmonton way, and that the town has grit, works hard, etc, that these were just standard issue platitudes. Easy things to say without saying anything. We just had an Oilers coach that was like that. Kalim is a populist.
I do agree that Dickenson bit off more in his roles but we don't know the whole backstory on that either. I do wonder that some of the Dickenson criticism is unfair and that the Stamps like most CFL operations are having to pare down costs. He probably couldn't defer work as much as he would have liked and the thing that has been mentioned on other sites is that some players are upset that they weren't getting what they wanted in contracts, in pay. This too being a primary issue with having both coach and manager roles.
That said players will credit Kilam because he plays the good cop "I'm your friend" role. Theres problems with that approach in coaching or management. Conversely Dickenson had to make hard decisions in Calgary in fiscally tight times (and remember how a covid epidemic and lost season impacts this) and not everybody likes him for it. Of course we've heard Kadeems take, I wouldn't put any stock in it.