Confirmed with Link: CBJ Fire Scott Howson, name Jarmo Kekalainen replacement

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Registered User
Nov 24, 2005
Why did you folks show the Finns the door? This was one of the more interesting slug fests I've read on the CBJ HF board. Moreover, it again showed me how the moves of a clearly competent and expert GM in a league he knows completely can be challenged by a pissed-off but articulate fan. As long as JK is with us, the CBJ board should be as open to Finn grousing as it is to Buckeye whining. Besides, as long as gives me a little insight into how JK thinks, acts, and might overlook stuff, I will gladly listen to a bit of FEL chatter.

I tend to agree.


Registered User
Jan 7, 2005
I guess since Dorse and Moore played randomly or very little during the last month, I would assume we are talking about Brassard? If so, probably not a huge loss. Dorse was certainly a level of accountability in the lockerroom. The question was, was he redundant in that role?

Should be interesting to see what happens going forward, but Prospal, when he retires, might be a test for this team. We do have Dubi, AA, JMFJ, etc. that seem to be intent upon winning.

Obviously, I consider this question of yours a bit rhetorical on your part. After all, very few actually care about what Howson thinks, in relation to the Jackets, anymore.

As far as the fight that broke out with our visitors, I can safely say that I don't know enough about his time overseas to form an opinion or know any of you well enough to trust your opinion(s). I know more about what he has assisted with in the US and that seems to be mostly positive. What I do like is his decisiveness. It would take Howson years to close a deal, at least the important ones. I don't think we'll be looking at that now. These two would never have let Mason destroy the team like Howson did.

Will they make mistakes? Sure. But I am far more forgiving of mistakes if you aren't afraid to make them. I wouldn't say Howson was a coward to make deals, but he certainly wasn't as willing to stick his neck out there. Sometimes a vertical move can be more impacting to a team than a clear win. Howson tried that only a couple of times. I'm not sure he understood the importance of sending a message to the locker room. These two aren't afraid to do that.

Will this new marriage end well? No idea. But I like it far better than Howson/Priest. Howson always gave me the impression that he was too insecure to surround himself with great people. Not so with this group.

The deal that JK made yesterday is a bit of a risk. However if it completely fails, we are in a great cap position at the end of the next season. We have a lot of depth at defense and role players. Brassard was Brassard. Good player, especially on the PP. His loss could hurt, but it isn't catastrophic. We got a guy that could score 30+ goals for the next 5 or 6 seasons. We rolled the dice and I'm fine with it.

Great post. I like the trade for 2 reasons (you covered both of them).

1 - We didn't give up anything we had to keep. We kept our 3 1sts, Jenner, Murray, Atkinson, etc....

2 - If it doesn't work out we have a lot of cap room to go get what we need in 2 years.


Foligno family
Mar 9, 2006
Louisville, KY
I guess since Dorse and Moore played randomly or very little during the last month, I would assume we are talking about Brassard? If so, probably not a huge loss. Dorse was certainly a level of accountability in the lockerroom. The question was, was he redundant in that role?

Should be interesting to see what happens going forward, but Prospal, when he retires, might be a test for this team. We do have Dubi, AA, JMFJ, etc. that seem to be intent upon winning.

Obviously, I consider this question of yours a bit rhetorical on your part. After all, very few actually care about what Howson thinks, in relation to the Jackets, anymore.

As far as the fight that broke out with our visitors, I can safely say that I don't know enough about his time overseas to form an opinion or know any of you well enough to trust your opinion(s). I know more about what he has assisted with in the US and that seems to be mostly positive. What I do like is his decisiveness. It would take Howson years to close a deal, at least the important ones. I don't think we'll be looking at that now. These two would never have let Mason destroy the team like Howson did.

Will they make mistakes? Sure. But I am far more forgiving of mistakes if you aren't afraid to make them. I wouldn't say Howson was a coward to make deals, but he certainly wasn't as willing to stick his neck out there. Sometimes a vertical move can be more impacting to a team than a clear win. Howson tried that only a couple of times. I'm not sure he understood the importance of sending a message to the locker room. These two aren't afraid to do that.

Will this new marriage end well? No idea. But I like it far better than Howson/Priest. Howson always gave me the impression that he was too insecure to surround himself with great people. Not so with this group.

The deal that JK made yesterday is a bit of a risk. However if it completely fails, we are in a great cap position at the end of the next season. We have a lot of depth at defense and role players. Brassard was Brassard. Good player, especially on the PP. His loss could hurt, but it isn't catastrophic. We got a guy that could score 30+ goals for the next 5 or 6 seasons. We rolled the dice and I'm fine with it.

Good post... all of it. JD/JK are taking a chance with Gaborik's recent shoulder problems though.. If he can stay healthly and play at 90% of his peak level I'll be satisfied, when combining the Howson Nash trade with the Kek Gaborik trade I think the CBJ win..
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Dec 22, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
The deal that JK made yesterday is a bit of a risk. However if it completely fails, we are in a great cap position at the end of the next season. We have a lot of depth at defense and role players. Brassard was Brassard. Good player, especially on the PP. His loss could hurt, but it isn't catastrophic. We got a guy that could score 30+ goals for the next 5 or 6 seasons. We rolled the dice and I'm fine with it.

Agreed. We've seen enough of Brassard and Dorsett under 4 different coaches here to have a pretty good idea of their ceiling. I'll be really surprised if they do much more than what they did here - which wasn't bad, but in Brassard's case, wasn't what we were hoping for.

The wild-card is Moore. To me, he lost his position here to Erixon, who has very similar attributes and qualities as a defenceman. Who will be better in the long run - Erixon or Moore? I'm comfortable with the decision that it is Erixon.


Registered User
Mar 8, 2008
Ladle all of the ***** supporting Howson on the table at once? Isn't that Mayor Bee's job?


Registered User
Oct 28, 2006
Jarmo is as open to critique as anyone else including looking at the whole of his professional body of work to figure out what his strengths and weaknesses are. People are certainly entitled to their opinion on the Gaborik trade as well. Overall, I think the move was doubly good for the Jackets. It addressed a need, it gave up little future value (Brassard and Dorsett are already known commodities and are redundant on the team as constructed. We can speculate about Moore, but I've rarely seen evidence from him that he can handle top 4 minutes, so I'm not going to sweat it much with 3 d-men signed long term and Ryan Murray in the hopper.

As for Howson, he's gone. We can speculate about what might have been or whether Howson's plan, whatever it was would have worked. I like the direction we're heading at the moment and like seeing a GM who is decisive. So, I'm not going to wonder what the other guy may or may not have done.

The reason I say yesterday's moves were "doubly good" is because the remaining country clubbers, specifically Mason and Brassard. These guys thought they were rock stars after the team went to the playoffs but, much like the Axl Rose-only iteration of Guns 'N Roses, they showed up late if at all to the show. It's telling that all 4 players that were traded were huddled in the same apartment when the decision was made. On the players side, the house is cleaned. Now we'll see what JD and JK do with the front office this summer.

I'm sure I won't like every move Jarmo or JD make, but at the moment I like that they are showing some sense of a vision and they haven't given up the future for the present nor have they given up on the present in hopes of having a future.


Registered User
Nov 24, 2005
Ladle all of the ***** supporting Howson on the table at once? Isn't that Mayor Bee's job?

I missed something, who was supporting Howson? Did something get deleted, as I sure didn't.

Uncle Scrooge

Hockey Bettor
Nov 14, 2011
Kekäläinen failed in building solid goaltending system for Jokerit. Kilpeläinen's confidence problems are well-known in Finnish circles, Tuohimaa was not a capable back-up and Jokerit chose Ketterer as goalie coach. Those were GM's choices, not players or coaches. Also, the material at Jokerit defense was not up to level of competition. Only when Karlsson was playing during block-out they had solid leader in defense (when playing with puck). Apart from Väänänen, the rest of the corps were not among league's premium or even semi-premium defenders.

Jokerit had these same problem in varying magnitudes during whole Kekäläinen's three year tenure. Regular season was 6,6 and 1 (14 teams in league), play-offs was two first round exits and one series won. I also highly doubt that Jokerit had won the regular season without Karlsson and V.Filppula, who were the top2 out of all block-out players in FEL. Jokerit were maybe unlucky against Lukko, but their problems were more than just occasional, they were same problems that they had battled with last three years. This, together with top play bill was not good.

As stated before, I have confidence in Kekäläinen, but there seem to be some holes in his philosophy which need correction. However, in CBJ it's more about Davidson and Kekäläinen forming the strategy together, not Kekäläinen as sole dictator like in case of Jokerit. I also believe he is a good choice for CBJ, but his actions in FEL are way too overrated here in HFboards.

Im going to respond to this because it is related to Jarmo.

First of all, all your talk about failing to build solid goaltending is BS. Kilpelainen (note to the Columbus fans: Jokerit's starting goalie) might be inconsistent at times but he's been solid in the playoffs throughout his career. It was certainly not "well known" by the majority of finnish hockey fans that he was going to choke this year. He did and that's mostly why the team lost in the 1st round. Tuohimaa is a serviceable backup with some upside. So no, that wasnt the problem. They faced probably the best goaltender in Vehanen who got hot at the right time and the hottest forward in the league in Azevedo who almost single-handedly provided enough offense for Lukko. And Jokerit's defense wasnt good enough? Are you kidding? Jokerit had, to say the least, a very competitive defense and should've been good enough to go all the way. They controlled most of the play in that series but couldnt score enough goals. I've been saying to my friends all along that the team's offense is overrated by everybody. Its a very balanced group of forwards but they lack proven big time scorers, period. For team Jokerit, their lack of success in the playoffs in a long time is mostly because of all the pressure from media and fans and it has built this frustration around the team come postseason for some time now. This is my opinion.

Jarmo has done an excellent job in Jokerit. He made the organization professional again and made choices that were best for his team. Not acquiring anyone based on some name on the paper like they've done in the past, but actually based on his hockey knowledge. If he had 1 or 2 more seasons with Jokerit i think they would've made it to the finals.

Anyways, enough of that. What im trying to say is that the Blue Jackets made the right decision hiring Jarmo. For one, he has very good knowledge of players, what is the life of a hockey player, how to win and, as a big bonus, he's been a scout and knows his stuff. He is also quite tough and makes hard decisions if needed. Actually after thinking about it, he has all the "tools" to be a great GM and im surprised nobody hired him before. But then again i hadnt even given it a tough before since i thought it would be pretty much impossible to see a finnish GM in the NHL.

Come to think of it, he's been one of the analysts for the finnish TV during WC's for few years now. His hockey knowledge is so much better than the other analysts (that are usually coaches etc. , people that have made living out of hockey in some way) that it always made me laugh. I thought few times, "he would make a very good GM in NHL" but never thought that it could become reality.

It will be exciting times ahead for the Blue Jackets. I wish i could be one of you fans :laugh:
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Double-Shift Lasse

Just post better
Dec 22, 2004
Exurban Cbus
Im going to respond to this because it is related to Jarmo.

First of all, all your talk about failing to build solid goaltending is BS. Kilpelainen (note to the BJ fans: Jokerit's starting goalie) might be inconsistent at times but he's been solid in the playoffs throughout his career. It was certainly not "well known" by the majority of finnish hockey fans that he was going to choke this year. He did and that's mostly why the team lost in the 1st round. Tuohimaa is a serviceable backup with some upside. So no, that wasnt the problem. They faced probably the best goaltender in Vehanen who got hot at the right time and the hottest forward in the league in Azevedo who almost single-handedly provided enough offense for Lukko. And Jokerit's defense wasnt good enough? Are you kidding? Jokerit had, to say the least, a very competitive defense and should've been good enough to go all the way. They controlled most of the play in that series but couldnt score enough goals. I've been saying to my friends all along that the team's offense is overrated by everybody. Its a very balanced group of forwards but they lack proven big time scorers, period. For team Jokerit, their lack of success in the playoffs in a long time is mostly because of all the pressure from media and fans and it has built this frustration around the team come postseason for some time now. This is my opinion.

Jarmo has done an excellent job in Jokerit. He made the organization professional again and made choices that were best for his team. Not acquiring anyone based on some name on the paper like they've done in the past, but actually based on his hockey knowledge. If he had 1 or 2 more seasons with Jokerit i think they would've made it to the finals.

Anyways, enough of that. What im trying to say is that the Blue Jackets made the right decision hiring Jarmo. For one, he has very good knowledge of players, what is the life of a hockey player, how to win and, as a big bonus, he's been a scout and knows his stuff. He is also quite tough and makes hard decisions if needed. Actually after thinking about it, he has all the "tools" to be a great GM and im surprised nobody hired him before. But then again i hadnt even given it a tough before since i thought it would be pretty much impossible to see a finnish GM in the NHL.

Come to think of it, he's been one of the analysts for the finnish TV during WC's for few years now. His hockey knowledge is so much better than the other analysts (that are usually coaches etc. , people that have made living out of hockey in some way) that it always made me laugh. I thought few times, "he would make a very good GM in NHL" but never thought that it could become reality.

It will be exciting times ahead for the BJ's. I wish i could be one of you fans :laugh:

You would not be the team's first Finnish fan, so welcome aboard! (Just don't call the team the BJ's.)


Registered User
Mar 23, 2004
Columbus Ohio
I agree with one of the above CBJ regulars..

I welcome all Finnish followers of Jarmo, Jokerit etc., and I certainly welcome your help with Finn NHL prospects. The discussion you were having on the playoffs was extremely intersting, and would be worth adding a thread that you can continue that discussion. I certainly don't think Jarmo can be blamed for the the playoffs.. pretty favorable regular season eh?

I think it is very telling that Brass & Moore played well for the Rangers, and Gaborik played well last night for us. Sometimes a change of scenary and the excitement that brings is a very good thing. I think Gaborik's comment about it being nice to be wanted was a reflection of his career in New York. The guy scored 40+ for them twice got hurt and had to change his style. With that said Torts was going to run him out, he needs someone to blame.

Gaborik is a sniper, he continually goes to the net, last nights goal was a perfect example - dude was working his ass off to get in position for that pass - and Dubi knew he was going to be there. That is chemistry/anticipation/hockey sense/ all those good terms we have been looking for. If we can keep him healthy, Gaborik will lift the play of all. (not the strength of our medical/condiitioning staff in the past)


Going North
Jun 14, 2003
Brick by Brick
Visit site
The reason I say yesterday's moves were "doubly good" is because the remaining country clubbers, specifically Mason and Brassard. These guys thought they were rock stars after the team went to the playoffs but, much like the Axl Rose-only iteration of Guns 'N Roses, they showed up late if at all to the show. It's telling that all 4 players that were traded were huddled in the same apartment when the decision was made. On the players side, the house is cleaned. Now we'll see what JD and JK do with the front office this summer.

Totally. If it took JD and, to a lesser extent, Jarmo, the amount of time that they arguably had to deduce these moves, its very telling that all four were together when they were dealt.

Dropkick Murphy

Registered User
Jul 9, 2011
In the bubble
I take it you're a bitter Jokerit-fan? Claiming that Karlsson and V.Filppula were major factors for Jokerit finishing 1st in regular season is just laughable, they were just the cherry on the top, the team played just great without them too.

And how the hell could anyone have foreseen the collapse of Kilpeläinen? He was very good in regular season, you don't win the regular season with a crappy goaltender.

Not a fan of Jokerit, Ässät is my team. That's also why I know well both Kilpeläinen's problems but also that they were well-known among agents and staff in FEL. Also, if you can read Finnish, you can see at at quite many regulars were predicting Kilpeläinen melt-down. The more valid issue however is that Kekäläinen (nor Jokerit) didn't hire good goalie coach or capable back-up.

But this is CBJ board and I leave the past FEL stuff now. Just to clarify that I do believe that Kekäläinen will be a solid GM in NHL, but he was not stellar in FEL as some fellow posters tend believe.


Oct 10, 2005
But this is CBJ board and I leave the past FEL stuff now. Just to clarify that I do believe that Kekäläinen will be a solid GM in NHL, but he was not stellar in FEL as some fellow posters tend believe.
It's always "nice" (and unfair) to talk after what could have been done different and better.

Nobody's perfect but I'd still say JK did a good job in Jokerit not marvelous but good. But like I said before to upgrade some positions is different as we don't have NHL like trades or drafts in the FEL league and you have to compete with player signings (+ budget) with other european leagues. Getting players is basically only free agency + own junior system. The Jokerit junior system was a kinda mess before but JK retooled it completely and I expect in few years we see better results from that program --> more own juniors taking spots in the FEL team.

Also Helsinki as a hockey market is hard place with all the crazy media attention. Many players have melted before in the "bright lights" and will melt in the future. Some players just can't handle it... it might be hard to see in advance who those players are.
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Uncle Scrooge

Hockey Bettor
Nov 14, 2011
Not a fan of Jokerit, Ässät is my team. That's also why I know well both Kilpeläinen's problems but also that they were well-known among agents and staff in FEL. Also, if you can read Finnish, you can see at at quite many regulars were predicting Kilpeläinen melt-down. The more valid issue however is that Kekäläinen (nor Jokerit) didn't hire good goalie coach or capable back-up.

But this is CBJ board and I leave the past FEL stuff now. Just to clarify that I do believe that Kekäläinen will be a solid GM in NHL, but he was not stellar in FEL as some fellow posters tend believe.

Kilpelainen has had stellar numbers both previous times he played in the playoffs. So im not sure how you can say it was 'clear'. Also its not so simple, he is considered as a good goalie in FEL standards. Do you really think JK's priority was to get another goalie when they already had a legit starter? And dont you think he exploited all possible options? How many better goalies were out there available at that time? Im guessing not many. And its also about $$. Signing a star goalie isnt cheap.

IIRC JK also gave Kilpelainen an extension this year, so he obviously likes him.


Jun 6, 2007
Look at our team now, the changes made by Howson showed right. He showed that if he could build the team from basic and not only PO, PO.... he is very good... yes, Gaborik cam but our team showed their qualities with Howson players especially. So IMO no Howson was the problem.
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