OK, i get it. I don't agree, still, but i see the logic. But as
@Chrispy pointed out, jankowski was worth a fifth at less than half the cap and they are very similar. I looked it up earlier and when drury was traded he had 9 points in 39 games; jankowski was at 9 points in 41. (Edit - their games are about more than points, i just liked the parallel. Their all around games are similar imo.)
Oddly, i think the 28 first is actually more valuable. There aren't many actual perennial contenders, but dallas is one. I'm sure their 2026 first will be really late. I expect the same in 2028 but at least by then they might have to shed some guys due to cap they will need to use to lock some guys up. I haven't looked at their roster construction but maybe '28 dips a bit. Not likely, but a lot likelier than next year. I still expect the borg to trade a first or two over the next year, so it may be moot.