Does anyone give a shit about Farhan Lalji's opinion on hockey? Genuinely, has he ever said something insightful? He's the kind of guy who probably can't name 10 players from every team in the league.
Our media peddles in drama and so a lot of them are gleeful that a star is struggling because it 'get's the people talking'.
I heard, I think it was David Amber, mentioning something about the Vancouver media being 'lucky' because there's so much to talk about this year.
I don't care about the media's experience or ease in writing a story. I would prefer nuanced and thoughtful analysis.
drafts are a crapshoot after the first 15 picks anyways. I look at how deep the first 15 picks are and then that’s about it. The only real “deep” drafts in recent memory were in 2023 and 2015 where you could legitimately have 20-25 players end up somewhere in the top 15. 2003 wasn’t really supposed to be a strong draft at all IIRC but it’s top 5 in hindsight.
2017 was stated to be a weak draft and 2019 a strong draft. 2019 is turning out to be one of the worst drafts since the turn of the century and 2017 being in the top 10. Similarly, 2014 was stated to be a weak year and 2016 almost as good as 2015 by some scouts and looking back it’s been the complete opposite.
The 03 draft was known to be absolutely loaded.
Without googling I can't recall it specifics but there was some rule change pertaining to draftable age for kids in American college so there were a bunch of good players who were suddenly eligible so it was like a draft class and a half.
I think we all did. The hype was crazy. I watched every single SHL game that year and I was just buzzing. His rookie season was the best ever franchise history. Gave so much to look forward to. I gave him a ton of excuses myself but it stopped the moment he stopped trying out there and his compete levels became non existent.
This just shows a lack of understanding of the nuance of the game.
The problem with Petey isn't 'effort'. You have literally never ever seen him coast back on a back check or give up the puck to avoid taking a hit.
It's being physically compromised, then not training right, and then losing his confidence entirely.
He's a proud athlete who has been able to trust his body his whole life.
So when he would make a read, he could just intuit that his body would do what he wanted it to do.
That combination, incredible hockey sense, superlative body control, a quick first step, a great shot, and the dexterity of a contortionist are what turned him into a star.
Currently, he doesn't have the physical attributes he's used to, his confidence is sapped. And the few times he does try things, he's getting jammed like a junior star learning his moves don't work at the NHL level.
I have seen him try cutbacks and get stuffed by like 4th line wingers who read it like a book.
When you lack confidence, you're just waiting for your move not to work.
The mind body connection is a fascinating thing. We can THINK we're playing our hardest, and end the game exhausted. We can THINK we're trying to be offensively daring, but that doesn't mean the output is the same.
I know that I have had stretches myself when playing where nothing I do works at all and I don't understand it.
Then something happens and I realize that I was making my first move and then pausing expecting to get checked and needing to back check, or else feeling like the player would know he was beaten and just quit.
When I find success again is when I'm incisive in my move and then already making the next one. It's a subtle but masssssive difference.
And I'm not comparing myself in anyway to an NHLer but I promise you that the psychology is the same.
Currently, he doesn't trust himself and he's trying not to hurt the team and trying to avoid humiliation.
He's hiding from the puck by 'doing the right thing' like giving the puck to a Tyler Myers and driving the net for a rebound.
In a vacuum, that's a 'smart' play. But an offensive driver who is feeling himself wants to be the one making the play, not the one supporting it.
And currently he's scared of failure, and so he's hiding from those opportunities.
It's hard to watch but I promise you nobody hates him more than he hates himself right now. I've been there and it infects your entire life and I didn't have a city ragging on me about the money I made. I was just a dude who felt like I was letting down my team.
He will come back from this a better and stronger player. But while I think he has more in him than he's mostly shown this year, he's not going to look like himself this year. He just won't. He needs a summer to train properly and remind himself who he is - a superstar in this league.
Think about how much Calgary regrets trading Sam Bennett for the equivalent of 2 2nds, right now? Like it looks appalling and it doesn't help them at all.
Dealing Petey just to 'get out of the deal' is a nightmare scenario and I pray that Alvin has bigger balls than that.
There's almost zero chance that at 26 he has just suddenly gone from being a top 7 center in the league to a JAG.
It feels like a long time we have been watching this because his poor play impacted the one time we have been relevant in ages, and because a year feels like a long time when you experience every day.
But assuming he gets his game back next year, by the end of his career this year won't even be a footnote unless we trade him for some bullshit and he humiliates us for 10 years.
I do not see why you’d even try to make the playoffs with this rag-tag line-up, you would get destroyed in the first round.
Should be tanking rest of this season even if you’re trying to retool, collecting assets and cap space, and then try to do things in the summer when it’s a lot easier to make trades etc.
This is video game thinking.
Team psychology matters, how a team sees themselves matters.
Currently we made the playoffs once and that either ends up being a fluke, or this year ends up being a weird year where shit didn't go right.
If we make the playoffs again, it helps cement in the players' minds that we are a playoff team at heart and are building off of that. Especially in a year where everything went wrong.
Now, I would still trade Boeser unless he wants to sign for a reasonable freight.
But this 'we need to tank' hair on fire shit is just immature video game thinking.
So is there anyone left who doesn't want to trade Pettersson? Im firmly on the trade Pettersson bandwagon now before we are stuck with the biggest dead weight contract in the history of the game. Crazy thing is I think we can still get a really nice package for him but for the love of god he has to be traded before his new contract kicks in
So sad to type that. I loved the hype around him the year before he came over and we were watching him kill the SHL
I am still firmly firmly on the ride this out and keep him bandwagon and I believe that time will show me to be correct.
There’s a huge risk either way. For me… he’s not the guy who will lead us to a cup, even before his issues. We don’t have players like Horvat or Miller to take a lot of the pressure off of him, I mean both those players are doing great with their new teams. This isn’t the market where he will turn it around. His mental toughness isn’t there to handle this market. Guys like Horvat and Miller thrived in it, Pettersson can’t if everything isn’t going peaches for him. Take in to count his contract and NMC are hands will be completely tied, we lose all leverage and will have to take back next to nothing in return and likely retain cap. It’s not worth it, imo. He sucks, it’s been over a year now and he’s play is getting worse! It’s one thing if he was getting better, he’s not.
Dude, Horvat has 41 points in 57 games for a team that is in absolute purgatory and it will only get worse for them.
I'm not saying he's been bad, but if you were following the Islanders you wouldn't be thrilled with him or where they are at. You just don't care about them and so at cursory glance with no emotional investment you're like 'eh they're fine'.
And MAGA moron Miller has ruined a dressing room, and has less than a point a game for another team that is out of the playoffs.
Neither of these guys are torching the league. You're just angry about our player and so the ex-girlfriend starts looking better. It's largely a cognitive bias.
Petey has been incredibly, heartbreakingly disappointing this year. I get that and I feel it too. But it's not because he doesn't care, and he's going to get it back.
He isn't some Jimmy Carson who can't wait to quit to be an accountant, nor is he an Alex Semin where he doesn't really give a shit and just rode natural gifts.