Squids aren't fish are you literally redacted?
One f***ing phone call and I can have those fish
One f***ing phone call and I can have those fish
McDaddy has lived in a fishbowl forever. For sure, he belongs.Connor McDavid belongs in this thread.
someone has been in the giggle water bright and early
- Hake Allen
- Riley Barbotte
- Franchois Beauchemin
- Seabasstien Bordeleau
- Octopus Blake
- Épaulard Byron
- Michael Calamari
- Sole Caufield
- Chris Clampoli
- Guy Crabonneau
- Craig Crevette
- Écrevisse Damphousse
- Hal Eel
- Pierre Esturgeon
- Jonathan Féperlan
- Kyle Fish & Chipchura
- Mario Goberge
- Éric Goldfishaud
- Brandon Haddock
- Roman Hammerhead shark
- Cristobeluga Huet
- Saku Koi vu
- Sylvio Manta Ray
- Ben Maxwhale
- Kirk Mollusque
- Sean Monhareng
- Réjean Moule
- Alain Nasardine
- Lyle Obaleine
- Aaron Palourdeshaj
- Yanick Perchaude
- Mark Requin
- Morue Richard
- Henri Rishark
- Mark Strout
- Alex Tanguille
- José Théodoré
- Jared Tinordic shrimp
- Jocelyn Turbot