My translation was way off, pardon me for that. In English it would be something like "diva tendencies" or "diva behaviour." Having an aura of arrogance around you. That was the meaning of the word. And that was the criticism of the former Swedish NHL veteran D-man with a career within Canadian hockey.
I think he has a point. I think it's bizarre a people and a nation as humble as Canadians never feel they need to update their hockey program. It's kind of the same as Sweden and neutrality, only we are smaller and never in control since 200 years ago. Nordic, humble people living in the cold.
We could never stay neutral even though we tried, we try to stay humble even though we can't and Canadian hockey has to adapt to have a purpose or fall behind, even with huge numbers. The mindset you actually have to compete and have a strategy to keep competing and not just feel like kings by default. Total stagnation. You're finished. It's very simple, really and has happened many times in history.
Canadian hockey needs to stop thinking they're the king of the world by default and adapt some natural, Canadian humility as people in the north. It's never finished. It would be better for all of hockey if Canada actually tried to dominate, because it would rise the rest of the competition.