Hey! We suck!
I mean tbh we don't know what's coming from ownership, they have always been pretty hands off. However, they are in the process of changing controlling owners, I don't think Haslam actually gets that title til next season though. If he does things how they have always done them then no, this didn't come from the owners, but if he is willing to start spending money out of his own pocket as the controlling owner then its possible.Must have been an ownership directive. Trotz is way too smart for this mish mash of a lineup.
Honestly I think it was just a case of Trotz looking at a roster that he thought was going to be too good to ever be bad and get a good pick, so rather than just sitting on all of that empty cap he decided to burn it and basically have most of the Vets age out at roughly the same time.
So basically take a stab at it for a couple of years and then in another couple of years the roster more or less all unloads at once and away you go with a new core.