Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War

Smelling Salt

Busey is life
Mar 8, 2006
Still can’t believe tons of people actually watch other people play video games. Seems so boring.

I used to think that as well and some streamers are boring. I try to stick to the ones with personality generally but do tune into others and watch because they are so good and you learn alot even if they aren't the most exciting characters. I'm more into watching Warzone than straight up Core modes.
Sep 19, 2008
The high-skill streamers do run into alot of cheaters, especially guys like Zlaner, NickMercs, Huskerrs, Teepee, symfuhny, etc. I've seen them get killed by a cheater multiple games in a row. NickMercs played with a random on Duos a couple days ago and the random was cheating lol.

I think they do claim "stream sniper" too much, but it is valid at times.

lol which streamers do you watch? Lots of them complain about sweats/cheaters/stream snipers, multiple times a stream. Some rage about it, some just kind of say it in passing.

You aren't wrong on stream snipers, they throw that around a lot. There are some that are down to earth and rarely get sniped (not big enough) and guys that are more popular and "content creators" who have their own creator codes on CoD get stream sniped constantly (especially during tournaments, such a serious issue that Vikstarr said just put a 60 second delay).

The best is friendly stream snipers. One guy got run over by a streamer and yelled in death chat "I LOVE YOU" :laugh:
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Sep 19, 2008
Anyway the beta is open for everyone tomorrow. If you get up to level 10 you get an exclusive blueprint for Cold War.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
It's actually....enjoyable?

I played like 5 matches and had a lot of fun.

Some things i noticed;

- Kills are no longer a thing; Instead you get "eliminations"." Similar to how in overwatch you get credit for kills if you do enough damage. I honestly love this change, not as a shitter but in the games they did go to this system it seems to strongly encourage people actually playing the objective and not hiding in a corner like a coward 24/7.

- Killstreaks don't seem obtusely overpowered. And the trade off of not having them be tied to streaks anymore is they take forever to actually acquire. Instead of needing 300 points for UAV now you need about 1000. So i suppose it kind of balances itself out.

- SBMM seems almost non-existent. Maybe it hasn't kicked in yet because i haven't played enough games but i got a pretty good balance in my lobbies. Couple jumpshotters, couple average players, couple potatoes. From what i understand it they reduced it for solo and duo players but it matches up groups of 3 or more together (which actually kinda makes sense) compared to how brutal MW was.

- Maps seem okay. Miami is great, Cartel isn't bad but i feel like we need less crap around the map so we can actually see stuff. Satellite is ass because you always have guys trying to snipe in the further dune part. Haven't played moscow yet.

>Slide is more physics based. You fly if you use it going downhill but it's not nearly as obnoxious as it was in MW where you could slip and slide all over the place.

My only question; What's the catch? This almost seems too fun.
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Leafs at Knight

Mar 4, 2011
London, Ontario
My very first game, I got quick scoped no joke like 15x on the boat map. It's ok so far, seems like a hald baked CoD game which is basically what it is because they got way less time to make this one.


Registered User
Sep 25, 2013
Edmonton, AB
After a few games played it feels like a slight upgrade over MW but still nothing special. Probably won't be picking it up at launch.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2007
Tampa, FL
This is now the 18th cod? It’s certainly starting to feel that way too. Just very meh - been there done that. Warzone is great. Don’t see a need to get this.
Sep 19, 2008
VIP Extract is alright

That being said I am also holding off until I see a convincing reason to buy it


Registered User
Jul 18, 2011
Killarney, MB
was good for me but not great. Not a must buy for me but more of a half price or less holiday season purchase. MW/Warzone and Btfld 5 will easily still keep me occupied until the price drops.

Smelling Salt

Busey is life
Mar 8, 2006
Netcode/servers seemed pretty good last night. Wonder if they tightened some shit up.

Sliding still needs to be toned down. There are some weird-ass mechanics with jumping/sliding and changing direction in mid-air. Looks like AW at times.

All the scorestreaks happening late in the match is still pretty annoying.
Sep 19, 2008
Overall the game based on the beta is alright but not really something I would buy the day of. I want to see how reception is before I make a move. Plus I can always play Warzone or Plunder.

The thing about the MP mode is people complain but if you want to level up your guns it's the best option.

sa cyred

Running Data Models
Sep 11, 2007
Yea I share exact same sediment as most of you. About average. My bro will get it (like every COD) and I will download it via the share download but def not a purchase ill make myself.

Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
I booted up the ole beta on a whim. Haven't played CoD in a long time.

It was pretty fun, but a lot of the old frustrations came out too. :laugh:

I don't think I'll be purchasing it this time around, but it was a fun short dive back in.

How long is the open beta? I read it ended today but I was still playing at around 3AM (got called into work, had to wait for a time....figured why not?)


The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA
Dec 26, 2014

The inability to use different loadouts (which, if we're honest, isn't truly an inability, it's just that you have to risk *gasp* losing to do so) is the only legitimate complaint here. Personally, I just treat matches where I'm ****ing around with new weapons as unranked social matches anyway. If my rank decreases, so be it, I'll climb back up when I meta-whore later.

Why do you need a 'pop off' game? And moreover, if the people you're popping off against are all worse than you, is 'popping off' really something worth getting an ego stroke out of?

The 'participation trophy' line is so hilariously pathetic. He wants a 'gold medal' for beating up on people worse than you and a high K/D to show off your e-peen to a legion of worshipping virgins, instead of a 'participation trophy' for actually meeting and defeating a challenge. He should just admit it.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
The inability to use different loadouts (which, if we're honest, isn't truly an inability, it's just that you have to risk *gasp* losing to do so) is the only legitimate complaint here. Personally, I just treat matches where I'm ****ing around with new weapons as unranked social matches anyway. If my rank decreases, so be it, I'll climb back up when I meta-whore later.

Why do you need a 'pop off' game? And moreover, if the people you're popping off against are all worse than you, is 'popping off' really something worth getting an ego stroke out of?

The 'participation trophy' line is so hilariously pathetic. He wants a 'gold medal' for beating up on people worse than you and a high K/D to show off your e-peen to a legion of worshipping virgins, instead of a 'participation trophy' for actually meeting and defeating a challenge. He should just admit it.

The funny thing is I barely noticed SBMM at all in this beta be it Solo or in a three stack with my buddies. If its only punishing the absolute top tier players then its doing its job. I played probably about 8 hours worth too and saw only a slight difference when in a group of 3 (which makes sense since it was putting us against other groups of 3)

And this is coming from someone who hated the system in MW.

Whether that changes between now and the actual release remains to be seen but lobbies felt way more balanced and not nearly as sweaty. If they leave it as is treyarch has them a sale.

Smelling Salt

Busey is life
Mar 8, 2006
The funny thing is I barely noticed SBMM at all in this beta be it Solo or in a three stack with my buddies. If its only punishing the absolute top tier players then its doing its job. I played probably about 8 hours worth too and saw only a slight difference when in a group of 3 (which makes sense since it was putting us against other groups of 3)

And this is coming from someone who hated the system in MW.

Whether that changes between now and the actual release remains to be seen but lobbies felt way more balanced and not nearly as sweaty. If they leave it as is treyarch has them a sale.

I actually agree. I never really noticed SBMM in this BUT I was mostly playing with a friend who is - quite frankly - terrible. I was really going off playing with him. When I play with him in MW, it's not nearly as "easy". Obviously very anecdotal as they are two different games completely. I find I can play "my game" on CW more than I can on MW though because MW is extremely campy. But then again, CW guns tend to shoot lasers more than MW.

Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
Overall I had fun with the beta. I don't think I'll be picking up the full game, but it did give me some original Black Ops vibes...both the good and some of the bad.

Black Ops 1 was one of my favourites in the series, personally.


Dec 14, 2011
I was up and down on how I felt about the beta. I think my issue is that the game has hardly changed it formula and I don't feel the desire to play longer than an hour on COD. Compared that to the MW2, MW3, BO1, BO2 days where I could play hours upon hours and never get bored. It could be the sbmm, but I'm not sure. May get it eventually to get my COD fix


Registered User
Sep 25, 2013
Edmonton, AB
My experience with the beta:

No doors
No mounting
Shooting without silencer reveals you on minimap
New scorestreaks promote objective play and less camping
In Hardpoint the game shows where the next point will be

Inferior overall game feel in comparison to MW
Some maps are still too cluttered and unfocused a la MW


Registered User
Mar 1, 2016
Do you guys think this will go on sale on boxing day or too soon. I think I want to get it but between school and other games I don't think I want it right away.


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