News Article: Bryan Murray Press Conference Summary - 04/06/2015


Nov 9, 2010
Parts Unknown

re: Matt O'Connor:

"First of all, he's going to bring depth. He's an intelligent goaltender, a big guy. He has a chance to develop into a top-notch guy. He had a great year at BU, got to the finals... so his background is very strong. The fact that he didn't get drafted was probably very beneficial to him, in that he got a chance to go to university, play full term, get a lot of games under his belt, and now he's ready to turn pro. He did have a number of teams interested in him, and chose us, thankfully. He's going to get a chance to play a lot of hockey this coming year, and development is a big part of what we try to do here with our young people, and he'll be working real hard to get better.

"He'll be in Binghamton to start with for sure. We hope & believe he'll be the number 1 guy there, but that will be a competition, there's been no promises made, he's got to go there and earn that right. But I believe he has that ability to step in and be a real solid American League goaltender. "

re: The Other Sens Goalies Under NHL Contracts (Hammond, Lehner, Anderson)

"They're all goaltenders who are going to play in the National Hockey League, I can tell you that. Whether they are all in Ottawa at that time to play or not, I'm not sure, but the one thing I know in hockey is that you have to have a good goaltender, and we have we think 3 or 4 now, and the depth in the organization is only going to benefit us. I think long term we have to make a decision, you can't play 3 in the NHL, or 3 in the AHL really, you can have two guys and give them games. We'll have to make a decision, and we will, probably before training camp, we'll have two NHLers to start with."

re: League Interest in Sens Goalies

"I've had quite a number of calls actually, there's some real interest by a number of teams that don't have the depth we have, that are looking for an NHL goaltender. We'll just have to filter through them as we do, and try to get a deal that fits for the organization."

re: Will Offers Pick Up Closer To the Draft?

"I don't know. I think that we've identified and know the teams now who are serious about looking. I think that over the next week or two I'll probably get as good an offer as I'm going to get for it, and I'll have to make a call at some point here, hopefully before the draft, but it doesn't have to be then. It could be around training camp if that's what it leads to."

re: Would You Rather Keep Craig Anderson Here?

" ... if I tell you that, Dan, then I have to do something about it, so I don't want to tell you that."

re: Weighing the Pros and Cons Between Anderson vs Lehner

"That's everything we do in our business. In every situation we have to evaluate, and hopefully make at some occasions the right decision who is going to help us. We want to win now too. There's no question we have to determine "do we have the material to win now". That's the whole process we're going through now. We have the pro scouts coming in Monday, we'll spend the whole week talking about our team, as well as other players & teams around the league, but very definitely about our team first and foremost, and determine where our needs are, and who are the players we should keep around here."

re: Goalie Markets/ Can You Get Your Top-6 Forward?

"That's a good question, that's part of what we're negotiating right now. We have to make that determination if we have to sweeten the pot or not, if there's anybody in fact willing to give up a top-6 forward, top 4 defenceman... those commodities are so hard to get. Usually you have to draft them, unless it's a cap situation, or a veteran player you go make a deal for. At this point, we're going to look to get the best deal. If it's something other than a top-6 forward, then we'll have to do it."

re: Lehner's Health

"Oh, he's better. He's been cleared now. He's starting to work out. He's like every other player who gets hurt - they get better. The human body is a miraculous thing that allows you to recover. He had a tough go because of the hit to the head, but when he left here a week and a half ago he felt much better and actually had started to work out."

re: Cameron's extension

"It's agreed to, we're waiting on some language on one paragraph to make it firm. It has to do with some tax savings for Dave.. I shouldn't say that publicly... but it has to do with some method of helping him out in his income."

re: Cameron Hiring an Assistant

"That's not done at this point. I think he's talked a couple of times, but there's nothing done at this point."

re: Murray being named to the Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame

"Well obviously I'm very proud of that. I'm a Valley Boy from Shawville. Coming to Ottawa when I was young was a big event, we didn't come that often, we were the "country bumpkins" at that point, but when we came we usually beat them at hockey. When I started playing Senior, I remember playing at the old Auditorium, I was just a 15 year old playing Senior A hockey against some awfully good players at that time. Great memories when I played college hockey, I played against Ottawa and Carleton U in the league at that time and had some great success. I was away for a long time, 25 years in the United States, so to be able to come back to Ottawa, and over a period of 10 years here to get this recognition is very outstanding. Very nice for my family, and my brothers and sisters, and guys I played hockey with and against over the years."
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Nov 9, 2010
Parts Unknown
Once again, we always talk about stuff Murray says in multiple threads, so I thought it best to transcribe the presser, for easy access + cut & pate opportunities.


Whippet Whisperer
Jun 21, 2008

I like the Cameron comments 'i shouldn't say this publicly but going to anyway, hey CRA come audit him!'

Nac Mac Feegle

wee & free
Jun 10, 2011

I like the Cameron comments 'i shouldn't say this publicly but going to anyway, hey CRA come audit him!'

Good thing we aren't in the US. The IRS would have the entire team under surveillance by now after that comment. :laugh:

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
So it sounds like a trade might be happening soon if things go smoothly and he decides to pull the trigger

Pretty cool


Illest guy in town!
Feb 28, 2007
Overall, I feel like that was a good presser. We got a solid update on pretty much every main Senators related question floating around right now. Good stuff.

Also, thanks for the transcription of the summary, Bonk! You are either very bored or very diligent!!!!


streamable 3rah1
Mar 17, 2011
thanks bonk

re: Weighing the Pros and Cons Between Anderson vs Lehner

"That's everything we do in our business. In every situation we have to evaluate, and hopefully make at some occasions the right decision who is going to help us. We want to win now too. There's no question we have to determine "do we have the material to win now". That's the whole process we're going through now. We have the pro scouts coming in Monday, we'll spend the whole week talking about our team, as well as other players & teams around the league, but very definitely about our team first and foremost, and determine where our needs are, and who are the players we should keep around here.

sounds like a fun week


Nov 9, 2010
Parts Unknown
Also, thanks for the transcription of the summary, Bonk! You are either very bored or very diligent!!!!


Mr Invidious

Registered User
May 12, 2014
I'm absolutely horrified about this potential trade. I'm honestly expecting a 10% chance or less than I'm even remotely pleased with the goalie trade.


Registered User
Mar 13, 2013
I'm absolutely horrified about this potential trade. I'm honestly expecting a 10% chance or less than I'm even remotely pleased with the goalie trade.

Based on this fan bases obsession over past players there is a pretty good chance that people will be jumping off of ledges anytime the goalie we move gets a win for his new team.

The fan base seems pretty split between those who think we should move Andy and those who believe we should cut bait with Lehner. Regardless of who is moved there will be a lot of pissed off fans. If we end up being mediocre or crappy next season things will get intolerable in a hurry.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2014
There's an old saying in the stock trading business "Never fall in love with a stock!". The same holds true with hockey players, they are movable assets. Everything is for sale if the price is right. In pro sports, the fact that we are trading people, the end return may not turn out as planned e.g. Noesen and his injuries.

There are many guys on this forum who lament the possible loss of a top player or prospect and get caught up in the "what if's". One thing that I know is that it's tough to trade for good players and prospects if you are only offering discards.

A goalie will be traded, it's a fact. We will get some players back who should help this team now and in the future. It's also a fact that we won't really know how successful the trade was for some time to come.

Unlike many of you, I'm excited about the possibilities.


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009
Murray has to be the most honest and straight forward gm in the league. Im going to miss his press conferences


Differently Financed
Jun 14, 2010
Should be an eventful month ahead. Sucks that either Anderson or Lehner will be traded but atleast it'll be entertaining.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2012
I am encouraged by this presser.

As Samboni said all we know is a goalie will be traded and I am excited to see what we get. I think expectations are so low right now that our return will surprise people.

We do have good goalie depth so whoever goes it will be bitter sweet and the only thing that makes any scenario OK is if the goalies who remain on the roster play well and don't leave the tear exposed.

I am also excited to see who we can move from the forward and D group. ..lots is going to have to happen and the transformation of the Senators still has a fair ways to go.

Oh and thanks very much Bonk


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