Brandon Wheatkings 23/24


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
Watching Edmonton game. We just coughed up a 4-1 lead which is now 4-3 after two periods. 3rd goal with 20 seconds left in period 2. The WK defence core is horrible in their own end. Lose most of the puck battles and poor decisions with the puck. Irregardless of the outcome of this game this rocky defence needs to be addressed for next season by trades or whatever. Really irks me watching them play especially without Mantei the last 3 games.
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Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
Makes a lot of sense to hire a coach and let MM do his GM job. I can see the team being built around Elick,McQueen and Hadland plus Jacobson and his U18 line mates. Not sure exactly what changes will be made to the team but the defence needs to be addressed. Keep Elick,Mantei, and Ravndahl and bring in Gorgios, and Boehm, draft an import d man and trade for another or find a decent 20 yr old.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
I agree the D needs a lot of help. I would either draft an import D or a 17 year old import Goalie. Not sure Eskit is the goalie of the future. Not a fan of 5' 10" goalies. When he goes down there is a lot of net above him.

Joe Hallenback

Mar 4, 2005
I agree the D needs a lot of help. I would either draft an import D or a 17 year old import Goalie. Not sure Eskit is the goalie of the future. Not a fan of 5' 10" goalies. When he goes down there is a lot of net above him.

They really like McFadyen and hes been really good in AAA midget for Interlake. I can't for the life of me figure out how he was cut from the Wild but hey what do I know. But he seems like the guy in 2 years for the Wheaties.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
Looking at the standings the WK are going to have to play some very good hockey going forward as their schedule is very tough having to play Saskatoon 4 more times. MJ a couple of times PA 3 more times I think and an Alberta road trip. PA, Lethbridge and Calgary aren’t that far behind the WK. Guess we will see what the team is made of.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
WK gutted out a win tonight against Calgary with a short handed lineup. Jacobson and Turko played tonight and played well. The future looks bright as these 2 guys sure know what to do with the puck. Klippenstein took a 5 minute spearing penalty with 3 minutes left. Luckily it did not cost the team as that was a selfish penalty. Missing Johnson, Baumuller and McQueen tonight. Nice to see Elick develop a mean streak. Will make him more effective.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
WK won 2 games in a row on the road in PA and Sask. The team is short staffed due to injuries so have really showed some guts and pride to win those games. Play in PA again on Sunday. 3 in 3 nights shorthanded. Who drew up this schedule a monkey.?? Will be short again as Roresma will likely be suspended for a hit from behind. Ouch!,


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
WK lose in PA 5-2 fighting fatigue and the WHL shitty reffing. 4 points out of 6 isn’t bad considering 3 games in 3 nights against rested teams. Only in the Dub.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
Yes, that whole AAA line is WK signed. They could be very good going forward assuming no injuries set them back. Jacobson,Turko, and Odut could be terrors in a couple of years. The WK need to surround them with other top talent to make a serious run at the WHL title in 2 or 3 years. MH will be really good next followed by PA the year after as they had multiple first round picks that could make serious contenders in a couple of years.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
Ouch! Gave up 2 goals in the last 2 and a half minutes to cough up a fur ball and lose to PA. Saskatoon tomorrow and then a 3 game Alberta road trip. I fear this team may miss out on a playoff spot again this year. PA is now only 2 points behind the WK. Not a good time to go into the shitter. Defensive breakdowns when you need to put games away continuously plague this team. We do not have that top shut down d man that a team needs.
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Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
3 losses in a row and losing a 4th in MH. Team playing poorly at the wrong time of the year. Playoff spot may be in jeopardy. Any one know what is wrong with McQueen?..?
3-2 OT loss in Calgary coughing up a goal with 44seconds left. Yikes,! Playoffs may be a pipe dream as we fold like a cheap suit while other teams around us are pouring it on. 5 losses in a row. Not good at all.
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Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
Huge win in Lethbridge Friday night. 5 games left 3 away SC,Saskatoon .,and Reg. 2 home games PA and MJ. Tough schedule will probably need some help from other teams in order to make the playoffs unless they put a winning streak together.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
WK make the playoffs by beating PA tonight. Win or lose the experience is invaluable for the younger players.

Takuto Maruki

Ideal and the real
Dec 13, 2016
Brandon, Manitoba
Should be a fun series, to be honest. Moose Jaw and Brandon seem well suited for one another - and the games I've seen at home have been a lot of fun to watch in terms of end to end action.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2017
quick question... has anybody had issues with being a season ticket holder and being allowed first opportunity to book your seat for playoffs and/or next season?

Disregard.... I figured it out. Season ticket holders are still given that option.
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Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
Shit! WK up 4-2 in MJ late in second period and gave up 2 goals in 26 seconds. Bjarnson did not look good on either goal. Need to make a big push in the 3rd.
Lose game in OT. Had a few chances in OT but a turnover by Dezousa and a miss by Bjarnson. Our goalie tonight was not good period. Team played well deserving a better end.
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Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
Obviously the WK cannot compete with the talent of the Warriors. Bjarnson would have to stand on his head and the WK would need everyone playing their best to compete with MJ.


Registered User
Apr 16, 2020
Is it just me or does anyone else feel like Bjarnason is vastly overrated?
Great story obviously - And I have to admit I'm not the best goaltending evaluator, just feels like game after game I'm watching stoppable pucks/soft goals go in.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
It sure looks like he has not played as well overall this year but I would think the Philly brass would straighten him out. How about trading him to a team in the west for a top end d man or forward. Eskit has played quite well as of late. Just a thought.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2017
He isn't worth as much right now as he would/will be come January, should they trade him. We will not be contenders this year. Playoffs? Yes but we will not leave the East. So I would truly consider trading him at the Trade deadline.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2023
I can’t believe how little talk there is about possible picks in tomorrow’s prospects draft. After reading Bergsen’s articles in the Sun you can see how in some years the WK really missed the boat as far as the players they drafted. There were 2 years in a row—-the year they drafted Mantei first. No other players from that draft played for the team. Awful scouting. The year before with 3 picks in the first round they really only got 1 good one out of the 3 picks. That was Danielson .The next pick after him at #6 was Zimmer and the team really whiffed there missing out on Matechuk who was defenceMan of the year this year. I’d like to know who made that terrible gaffe. Recent drafts with Moulton seem to be better although the jury is still out on Baumuller.

Joe Hallenback

Mar 4, 2005
I can’t believe how little talk there is about possible picks in tomorrow’s prospects draft. After reading Bergsen’s articles in the Sun you can see how in some years the WK really missed the boat as far as the players they drafted. There were 2 years in a row—-the year they drafted Mantei first. No other players from that draft played for the team. Awful scouting. The year before with 3 picks in the first round they really only got 1 good one out of the 3 picks. That was Danielson .The next pick after him at #6 was Zimmer and the team really whiffed there missing out on Matechuk who was defenceMan of the year this year. I’d like to know who made that terrible gaffe. Recent drafts with Moulton seem to be better although the jury is still out on Baumuller.

I think that one draft wasn't great but I think the 2021 was pretty good. Elick,McQueen,Hadland, Kilippenstien and Eskit. Really good haul. 2022 is looking good also because Odut/Turko will be here with Baumiller next year. One of those D will make this team from that draft as well. 2023 both Jacobsen and Pantelas will play and both will be good.

But the 2019/2020 drafts we just never seemed to get the extra player that we usually did from years past. I think they have gotten better though lately
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