He and Inge Hammerstrom were the first two Swedes to wear the Leaf jersey. It wasn't an easy time for them, anger throughout the league at foreigners stealing jobs from good Canadian kids. They even ruffled some feathers in the Gardens and it took some time before there was full acceptance by their teammates. The rest of the league wasn't so kind, especially the Flyers. The amount of abuse they took was too much for Hammer, Ballard not helping with his withering comment about going into a corner with a pocket full of eggs and not breaking one, and his time in the NHL was brief, though he was a talented player in his own way. Borje was different. Bashed, banged, slashed, punched, cross checked nightly, he never backed down. Tough as nails, he took what was thrown his way and spit it back. A wonderfully talented player, he and Ian Turnbull were the foundation of our defense for years. Should he have won a Norris? Maybe, but going up against Orr, Park, Robinson, Potvin, that was a tough ask considering the team was be run into the ground by Harold, the supporting cast just wasn't there to help showcase Salming's talents. His sprawling, sweeping, stick checks were legend.