Booker T Calls Adam Cole Skinny And The Sh*t Hits The Fan


4 Ever The Greatest
Jan 26, 2004
Vancouver, BC
So on his podcast last week Booker T said that Adam Cole really needs to add some more weight:

“If Adam Cole has to have surgery and he’s down for six, nine months and he, you know, lose any more muscle, it’s going to be hard on this brother. You know what I’m saying? Right now, he’s about a buck 60.”
“We gotta get more weight on Adam Cole, you know what I mean? That’s his problem, he’s light, bottom light. We gotta get some muscle on this kid. That’s probably one of the reasons why he’s going out there, getting hurt because it can’t be the schedule at AEW.” (quotes courtesy of

So of course this got a few people riled up:



Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
This is like the first time ever Adam Cole has been hurt since being a top guy and it’s not even bad. I don’t know if he’s ever had any big injuries but I’m guessing not, he’s still a decently young guy too.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
He's not wrong about Cole losing muscle mass though. Look at Cole at his last WarGames match and now. There's clear loss of muscle mass. It was already notable towards the end of his NXT era.
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Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
Adam Cole does have a pretty bad look, sot of a scraggly Shawn Michaels. I doubt that his injury has anything to do with a lack of muscle though. As dumb as Booker T can sound from time to time, the two linked tweets are also quite dumb. It's far from the end of the world that Booker T thinks that Adam Cole could use some muscle.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2007
Norristown, PA
Adam Cole is a great guy. He has a great catchphrase and the fans are behind him. He just needs a better presentation. This isn't fat shaming or anything like that. Presentation is everything. Remember Keith Lee's main roster look and gear? Kross's gear? Cole did great in NXT because HHH and HBK knew how to showcase their talent in looks and in the ring. We all know that a lot of the guys left because of what happened to the successful stars of NXT. None of the "game changers" from NXT/WWE have done much in AEW so far. Even with an abundance of people, they still do the same stuff. BD and Moxley are in a stable together with Yuta? Who has the personality of a grapefruit. Danielson should be AEW champion. Keith Lee and Swerve are stuck on Rampage. And Jericho, he is looking like a sports entertainer and a bad one at that. So cringeworthy.


Registered User
Dec 9, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta
F***ing give me a break. So Booker T can't say the guy needs to add more muscle? Jesus part of the job is your look.

Renee just sounds like an idiot. Body shaming? He's not making fun of the guy. This is like people in other sports media saying "player X needs to get stronger this summer, put on more weight." You hear that all the time whether it's hockey, basketball, football, whatever. It is said all the time.

And he's right, btw. Adam Cole does need to put on more muscle.


Registered User
Nov 18, 2015
F***ing give me a break. So Booker T can't say the guy needs to add more muscle? Jesus part of the job is your look.

Renee just sounds like an idiot. Body shaming? He's not making fun of the guy. This is like people in other sports media saying "player X needs to get stronger this summer, put on more weight." You hear that all the time whether it's hockey, basketball, football, whatever. It is said all the time.

And he's right, btw. Adam Cole does need to put on more muscle.
It’s play wrestling…


Registered User
Dec 9, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta
It’s play wrestling…
Of course, but these guys don't get paid to just wrestle. They get paid to look good, too. Just like Hollywood actors and actresses in whatever roles they pursue, there is a specific look.

I love Adam Cole, always been a huge fan but I'd be lying if I said I ever take him seriously when it comes to matches against bigger opponents. Suspension of belief is definitely needed but with him (and others like him) it's needed even more.

I just don't think what Booker T is saying is all that wrong.

The Marquis

Aug 24, 2020
Washougal, WA
Why does Booker T all of the sudden have an opinion that apparently matters? Out of nowhere The wrestling media is like “Booker T says”, “Booker T says”. Since when did what Booker T says actually matter? Since when did what almost any wrestler says matters? Booker is a WWE employee who miraculously finds nothing positive to say about WWE’s competition. Booker is a paid to be biased opinion that nobody should listen to.

Adam Cole isn’t a big dude… so what. Neither is Bryan Danielson and the dude main evented 2 Mania’s, including one with an all time finish. Get the hell out of here with that company line, Book.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2009
Why does Booker T all of the sudden have an opinion that apparently matters? Out of nowhere The wrestling media is like “Booker T says”, “Booker T says”. Since when did what Booker T says actually matter? Since when did what almost any wrestler says matters? Booker is a WWE employee who miraculously finds nothing positive to say about WWE’s competition. Booker is a paid to be biased opinion that nobody should listen to.

Adam Cole isn’t a big dude… so what. Neither is Bryan Danielson and the dude main evented 2 Mania’s, including one with an all time finish. Get the hell out of here with that company line, Book.
Bryan is fit though. Cole looks like he's never been to the gym in his life.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2010
Pattaya, Thailand
Cole works like 1 maybe 2 days a week. There should be no excuses. Hit the gym, bulk up and look the part. 80% of the guys in my gym have a better physique than him. Guys like him should be nowhere near the wrestling business.
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Registered User
Feb 10, 2020
I'm still stuck on the "Piss up a rope" at the end of the 2nd tweet.

Are they a Ween fan or is that an actual thing people say? I had thought the Ween song came from some nonsense one of their fathers used to say.

The Marquis

Aug 24, 2020
Washougal, WA
I'm still stuck on the "Piss up a rope" at the end of the 2nd tweet.

Are they a Ween fan or is that an actual thing people say? I had thought the Ween song came from some nonsense one of their fathers used to say.

I realize this is off topic, but you brought it up. Have you ever watched the ASL people Ween have at their shows sign "Piss Up a Rope"? It's one of the most amazing musical experiences I've had.

On topic... the funny thing about Adam Cole is that he's sort of a weird anomaly, and because of that, I really like him. Just for being himself and not letting the industry pressures change that (despite some things being things somebody SHOULD change). He's a tobacco user, dating/living with(?) a real life pro wrestler/dentist, doesn't appear to work out a whole lot, but all of that (the Britt thing doesn't matter, I'm aware) and he's still one of the best in-ring performers out there and he can talk.
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Registered User
Apr 30, 2009
Cole works like 1 maybe 2 days a week. There should be no excuses. Hit the gym, bulk up and look the part. 80% of the guys in my gym have a better physique than him. Guys like him should be nowhere near the wrestling business.
Yeah because he hasn't been successful...
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Scandale du Jour

Mar 11, 2002
Asbestos, Qc
In general AEW is having a rough time booking a lot of people correctly lately. Too many big names, not enough cable TV time.
They are definitely in a "meh" period right now. I do not think it is because they have too many people. I think it is because they badly use them.

Jericho and his group are useless. Jericho in general is just not entertain to me. The MJF feud was when he jumped the shark, I think.

I loved the idea of the Blackpool Combat Club at first, but their feud with Jericho sucks. They should be chasing titles and wrecking havock. Not having the same feud Jericho had with any other group his factions feuded against.

The House of Black is a waste.

The Young Bucks just suck as characters. They should be used to put other teams over and that's about it. Pretty much all of their stories suck.

CM Punk is hurt. MJF is in limbo. They put Wardlow in a stupid feud with a fake lawyer and security guards.

The Marquis

Aug 24, 2020
Washougal, WA
They are definitely in a "meh" period right now. I do not think it is because they have too many people. I think it is because they badly use them.

Jericho and his group are useless. Jericho in general is just not entertain to me. The MJF feud was when he jumped the shark, I think.

I loved the idea of the Blackpool Combat Club at first, but their feud with Jericho sucks. They should be chasing titles and wrecking havock. Not having the same feud Jericho had with any other group his factions feuded against.

The House of Black is a waste.

The Young Bucks just suck as characters. They should be used to put other teams over and that's about it. Pretty much all of their stories suck.

CM Punk is hurt. MJF is in limbo. They put Wardlow in a stupid feud with a fake lawyer and security guards.

You aren't wrong (except about the Young Bucks, they are amazing. Perfect douchey characters... literally "biggest douches imaginable" has to be the gimmick, and I love it). With exception of the Jericho Appreciation Society, which might have been interesting for 15 seconds, the rest all started off awesome, like they might matter and are dwindling. CM Punk, BCC and HOB should be the tippy top of the card (and I mean TIPPY TOP, the actual top as in the guys everybody is going after), getting all the TV time along with the Bucks, Page, FTR, Omega (when healthy), Britt, Rosa, Jade, Deeb, Ruby, and now Wardlow filling in the rest of the top of the card... with guys like reDragon, Men of the Year, Samoa Joe, Cole, Death Triangle, Miro, Orange, Santana, Ortiz, Jungle Boy, Sammy, Eddie, Shida, Statlander, Mercedes, Toni, Christian, Jericho and Andrade (and if I get my way, Yuka and Maki) filling out the mid-card while occassionally working top of card stuff for variety. Then you have everybody else, who while largely totally viable performers, should be the ones filling out the undercard stuff or "fill in" matches against one another and jobbing out (with the occassional push) to the mid and upper card guys and should be working Dark more often than not, and while true for half of them, the other half are on my TV for too many minutes at the expense of guys who should be getting some more TV time.

All of that said, and I never want AEW to go full out on the WWE model and throw ONLY the mid and upper card guys on the TV shows and we never see the lower card guys... they do need TV time and they need opportunity.

Scandale du Jour

Mar 11, 2002
Asbestos, Qc
You aren't wrong (except about the Young Bucks, they are amazing. Perfect douchey characters... literally "biggest douches imaginable" has to be the gimmick, and I love it). With exception of the Jericho Appreciation Society, which might have been interesting for 15 seconds, the rest all started off awesome, like they might matter and are dwindling. CM Punk, BCC and HOB should be the tippy top of the card (and I mean TIPPY TOP, the actual top as in the guys everybody is going after), getting all the TV time along with the Bucks, Page, FTR, Omega (when healthy), Britt, Rosa, Jade, Deeb, Ruby, and now Wardlow filling in the rest of the top of the card... with guys like reDragon, Men of the Year, Samoa Joe, Cole, Death Triangle, Miro, Orange, Santana, Ortiz, Jungle Boy, Sammy, Eddie, Shida, Statlander, Mercedes, Toni, Christian, Jericho and Andrade (and if I get my way, Yuka and Maki) filling out the mid-card while occassionally working top of card stuff for variety. Then you have everybody else, who while largely totally viable performers, should be the ones filling out the undercard stuff or "fill in" matches against one another and jobbing out (with the occassional push) to the mid and upper card guys and should be working Dark more often than not, and while true for half of them, the other half are on my TV for too many minutes at the expense of guys who should be getting some more TV time.

All of that said, and I never want AEW to go full out on the WWE model and throw ONLY the mid and upper card guys on the TV shows and we never see the lower card guys... they do need TV time and they need opportunity.
My thing with the Bucks is that they are not believable at all.

Great athletes. I enjoy their PPV matches, but their segments just make me cringe.
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Registered User
Aug 23, 2005
I've always throught that the Bucks are just over rated, I don't find their matches to be anything more then getting their s$$t in.

As far as Cole goes, I was a huge fan of his in NXT. He was amazing, but he was also in decently good shape probably because part of their day to day in NXT was work outs.

He's got a video game player physique right now, he looks pretty awful. He's also been booked badly, but AEW as a whole is having story and booking problems.

Wrestling right now is just awful.


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