Books: Book(s) you are Currently Reading | Part II

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K Fleur

Mar 28, 2014

This is actually my first time reading any of Vonnegut’s work. I’m about halfway through and it’s witty, depressing, hilarious and just overall pretty great. I imagine I’ll read everything of his after this.


Registered User
Dec 24, 2009

This is actually my first time reading any of Vonnegut’s work. I’m about halfway through and it’s witty, depressing, hilarious and just overall pretty great. I imagine I’ll read everything of his after this.

not even slaughterhouse five?

you are in for a treat . Enjoy.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2018
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. I'm working on my essay about this book. I want to buy essays online to save my time. I think it's ok to use a little help of writing services. I often ask pro writers to help me with my writings. These guys helped me with grammar and plagiarism check.
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Oogie Boogie

Registered User
Apr 9, 2011

As stated before, I've been in the mood for some reading lately, the first in many years. Went by Barnes & Noble and picked up two books with Red Rising being one of the two.
I have only read about 6 chapters, but I'm enjoying it so far :):thumbu:
Just finished this morning while waiting for the Spectrum tech to fix our line at my parent's new place. Wish I had finished it a bit sooner. Extremely good though! I already have the second book in my possession that I will start at some point.
I'm debating on starting it next or starting one of the other books I have recently picked up. Will decide in a few days.

Babe Ruth

Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone..
Feb 2, 2016

Author's theory is that a lot innate human characteristics were honed by contact with hostile Neanderthals. The subject matter sounded interesting, but I'm only about 10 pages in.
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Dec 12, 2020

Author's theory is that a lot innate human characteristics were honed by contact with hostile Neanderthals. The subject matter sounded interesting, but I'm only about 10 pages in.

Have you read Behave by Sapolsky? He talks a lot about evolution of Us vs Them.

Babe Ruth

Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone..
Feb 2, 2016
Have you read Behave by Sapolsky? He talks a lot about evolution of Us vs Them.
Never heard of it.. But I appreciate the mention. Over the last couple years, I've found some good reads from fellow posters in here.

Primary Assist

The taste of honey is worse than none at all
Jul 7, 2010
Just finished World War Z and now I'm onto The Exorcist. No joke I had zombie bashing dreams this past weekend, so maybe this weekend I'll dream of split pea soup
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Oogie Boogie

Registered User
Apr 9, 2011

The year is 2380, and the graduating cadets of Aurora Academy are being assigned their first missions. Star pupil Tyler Jones is ready to recruit the squad of his dreams, but his own boneheaded heroism sees him stuck with the dregs nobody else in the Academy would touch…

A cocky diplomat with a black belt in sarcasm
A sociopath scientist with a fondness for shooting her bunkmates
A smart-ass techwiz with the galaxy’s biggest chip on his shoulder
An alien warrior with anger management issues
A tomboy pilot who’s totally not into him, in case you were wondering

And Ty’s squad isn’t even his biggest problem—that’d be Aurora Jie-Lin O’Malley, the girl he’s just rescued from interdimensional space. Trapped in cryo-sleep for two centuries, Auri is a girl out of time and out of her depth. But she could be the catalyst that starts a war millions of years in the making, and Tyler’s squad of losers, discipline-cases and misfits might just be the last hope for the entire galaxy.


Jul 10, 2009
the Prior
Currently reading a series by Ace Atkins that revolves around Sheriff Quinn Colson and the goings on in a little town called Jericho in Tibbehah County, Mississippi.

Atkins is a really prolific author who also writes the "Spenser" series and once earned a Pulitzer nomination while writing for the Tampa Tribune.

Babe Ruth

Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone..
Feb 2, 2016

The year is 2380, and the graduating cadets of Aurora Academy are being assigned their first missions. Star pupil Tyler Jones is ready to recruit the squad of his dreams, but his own boneheaded heroism sees him stuck with the dregs nobody else in the Academy would touch…

A cocky diplomat with a black belt in sarcasm
A sociopath scientist with a fondness for shooting her bunkmates
A smart-ass techwiz with the galaxy’s biggest chip on his shoulder
An alien warrior with anger management issues
A tomboy pilot who’s totally not into him, in case you were wondering

And Ty’s squad isn’t even his biggest problem—that’d be Aurora Jie-Lin O’Malley, the girl he’s just rescued from interdimensional space. Trapped in cryo-sleep for two centuries, Auri is a girl out of time and out of her depth. But she could be the catalyst that starts a war millions of years in the making, and Tyler’s squad of losers, discipline-cases and misfits might just be the last hope for the entire galaxy.

Cool cover art..
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