Pictures were borked last thread seems like they still are. Will start posting trains again when it's fixed.
Need to win tonight.
Need to win tonight.
Pictures were borked last thread seems like they still are. Will start posting trains again when it's fixed.
Need to win tonight.
Pictures were borked last thread seems like they still are. Will start posting trains again when it's fixed.
Need to win tonight.
crazy that once we start relying on one timers our power play is cooking
Does anybody else with DirecTV Fanduel Sports Network have "stuttering" issues with video and audio every single Blues game? I also noticed it earlier on regular programming. Doesn't happen on any other channel that I watch.
Well they just done something. It did a flicker during play and now everything is the it should be.Happens with Spectrum as well but when I stream it via internet it doesn’t wierd