Any chance you can show me any sort of evidence to show that smokers are more likely to gamble? I've known a lot of smokers who never gamble and have never seen a single study linking cigarette smoking and the propensity to gamble, so if you want to make that claim, it's going to take a lot more than you saying it for me to believe you're right.
I'm really saying the 80s and 90s was a higher scoring era BECAUSE it had so many more higher scoring superstars. More top tier players scored more and drove the averages up. And every time scoring averages has gone up, there's been new high level scoring talent in the league. Every time averages have gone down, there's high level scorers falling off or retiring and not being replaced. It's almost perfectly consistent going back to at least 1967. The only change it doesn't explain is right after the lockout, when they changed the rules and teams were getting like 100 more PP opportunities per season then in any other season I can find.