awesome` said:You're Terry Ryan was almost funny the first time you said it. Now, about every post I see that you're making about the Habs either have 'Terry Ryan' or 'Mike Ribeiro' in it. It's about as unfunny as it can get. I wouldn't go as far as saying that's it's as annoying as Reilly or wilka or Foppa_Rules, but it's sure damn annoying.
We can all enjoy a good laugh about our own prospects. But for us to laugh, it'd need to be at least somewhat funny in the first place.
neelynugs said:why don't we get back to discussing how overrated komisarek is?
THE NEXT ONE #87 said:U Canadian guys are really proud that ovy get an injury....
ClarkeMustGoDotCom said:Ovechkin as they say made the bed he sleeps in. he brought this all about himself with his antics in the USA game. The Canadian team sent a message to him right away that that kind of stuff was not going to be tollerated. No one wants to see anyone getting hurt but who was to say that Ovechkin wasn't embelshing the injury? the Russians have been known to do it in the past.
As far as Canadian guys being proud of that i wonder what Russian fans think about the taunting and the showboating in the US game when the game was out of hand?
Like i said before no one wants anyone to get hurt or likes anyone to get hurt, but someone better pull these guys aside and tell them that those antics are not acceptable in the North America game. It might be in Europe, but not here.
that being said
HABSTRAK said:I tried my best to find a picture of Ovechkin crying, and I have found one, tho it's in my Montreal Gazette Newspaper. Unfortunately, I don't have a scanner, I even registered to to see if they had the same article with the same picture, but the picture is replaced on the website by a internet ad!!
Anyways, if anybody has a scanner , you can buy the Gazette and scan Ovechkin crying!
neelynugs said:why don't we get back to discussing how overrated komisarek is?
ClarkeMustGoDotCom said:Like i said before no one wants anyone to get hurt or likes anyone to get hurt, but someone better pull these guys aside and tell them that those antics are not acceptable in the North America game. It might be in Europe, but not here.
that being saidTHANK YOU CANADA
neelynugs said:i guess the difference being that komisarek has done nothing to deserve the hype (and in the distance, the crowd chants, 'terry ryan', 'terry ryan', 'terry ryan')...
Staze19 said:Who is Komisarek?