Non-COVID, and Non-Hockey related LOA can really only mean Personal (mental health, family, marital...etc) or Substance Abuse. First and foremost I just hope he gets whatever is holding him off the roster sorted out and that he and/or his family are well. That said, if it is in fact substance abuse that has caused his LOA that is the scummiest trade I can recall in a long time. ANH should see some repercussions as a result. It's completely unethical to trade a guy dealing with substance abuse issues to a team without disclosing this prior to the deal. Obviously this is all speculative, and likely none of this would ever become public due to player confidentiality. But if it is true, ANH should be black balled by all other teams. I know it's just a 5th rounder that we gave up, but I have a very hard time believing they were not aware of any substance abuse issues prior to making that deal.
again, this is completely speculative, and I have no insider information that has lead me down that thought. It is more or less putting the pieces together from the information we do have. I recognize it's not fair to speculate on this kind of stuff, but that's kind of what crazy fans do. I genuinely hope the best for Ben. It's been a hard year for everyone, including famous athletes. So I really hope he just gets whatever is holding him out sorted.