Prospect Info: Bedard Topic 2

But there are very few actual words in his posts, just a lot of random letters strung together.

It's like someone gave a monkey a keyboard. It keeps on tripping across real words as it aimlessly smashes its paws against the keyboard.
it's a puzzle. every keystroke means something. whether that meaning is intentional or not makes no difference to me.
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I was thinking the other day maybe he shakes real bad in the hands, but now that guess seems off too in light of this.
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i don't understand how you wrote a 'u' in place of the second 'o' in 'maroon' twice. it's on the complete other side of 'i' from 'o' on both the qwerty and azerty keyboards. i can only conclude that you did that on purpose.
It's been shtick for as long as he's been on the board. You can go find perfectly legible posts of his scattered around.
The thing that gets me…is why does he NEVER respond/reply?? I mean surely he must be able to see/read all these posts. Just seems so strange.
He has been bad bad for a few games now. Detriment to the team bad. We need to get him to the offseason quickly.
Are the Hawks bad - yes
Is the coaching bad - yes
Is he still young - yes

However, watching Bedard this season makes me think he’s a good player but not a franchise player. Small players with average skating just can’t dominate the game.
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He either has run out of steam or is nursing an injury at this point.

Frustrating either way considering he missed two weeks by not playing in the 4 Nations tournament. Makes you wonder how hard he pushed himself during that break instead of just staying off the ice and letting himself recover. The kid's gotta learn.
Bedard in prime position to win the Mr. .Negative Award and obliterate the post Cups era Hawks worst +/- mark set by Seth Jones in 2022/23 (-38)..Bedard at -36 . With 14cgames remaining..couldhe hit the -50 club?

I mean.. we are talking Generationally BAD defending..

OOPS...MEA MAXIMA CULPA..I forgot ...Bedard already eclipsed $9.5 last season at -44....( tied with Kurashev in this negative disaster)..but Kurashev at -29 will likely not be able to catch upto Bedard forvthe lead negative this season.

With 14 games remaining can Bedatd eclpse lastseason's spectacular woe mark in the negative minus? I have no reason to expect that he will fail to reach the Generational -50 club...leaving the paltry Seth Jones marks of impotence of 21/22 and 22/23 well I the dust...

P.S. is there a summer remedial camp for forwardscto learn about defensive positioning ,playvreaxtion and effective checking?

If so they should be signing Bedard AND all the Blackhawks into that Summer Camp.

Calling Mr.Marian Hossa... Please clean up the mess in aisle 98 ..and I the adjacent 97 aisles too!
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