BBQ help.


All time jerk
Jan 5, 2021
So I have been wrangled into (actually no i volunteered) to help cook BBQ for my youngest school band fundraiser. Looks like I will need to smoke 8 butt's. I have never done more than 2 at a time and the guy that's planning this is also cooking 8. He's planning on smoking them the day before, pulling them off after 4 or 5 hours, finishing them in the oven the next morning and pulling them on site. We will be setting up at 10 to start serving at 1. My thought is smoke them for the same 4-5 hours finish them in the oven and oull them all the same day and warm and serve the next day.

I'm kinda leary about cooling them off and getting them back up to temp before 10 am and what it will be like to try and pull it after doing so.

Any thoughts?
I recommend this:


Seriously, I can barely manage cooking one thing at a time. Good luck!
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So I have been wrangled into (actually no i volunteered) to help cook BBQ for my youngest school band fundraiser. Looks like I will need to smoke 8 butt's. I have never done more than 2 at a time and the guy that's planning this is also cooking 8. He's planning on smoking them the day before, pulling them off after 4 or 5 hours, finishing them in the oven the next morning and pulling them on site. We will be setting up at 10 to start serving at 1. My thought is smoke them for the same 4-5 hours finish them in the oven and oull them all the same day and warm and serve the next day.

I'm kinda leary about cooling them off and getting them back up to temp before 10 am and what it will be like to try and pull it after doing so.

Any thoughts?
Once the butts get to your temp or jiggle preference you can wrap them and let them rest in a good cooler for about 5ish hours. I’ve never pulled them off and finished in the oven but at different times I have put ribs, a brisket, and a butt in the cooler before driving to a get together and they’ve been steaming hot once it was time to set up a couple hours later.
Once the butts get to your temp or jiggle preference you can wrap them and let them rest in a good cooler for about 5ish hours. I’ve never pulled them off and finished in the oven but at different times I have put ribs, a brisket, and a butt in the cooler before driving to a get together and they’ve been steaming hot once it was time to set up a couple hours later.
This is the way. Did six butts on my xl egg for my team , one of my best cooks.
So I have been wrangled into (actually no i volunteered) to help cook BBQ for my youngest school band fundraiser. Looks like I will need to smoke 8 butt's. I have never done more than 2 at a time and the guy that's planning this is also cooking 8. He's planning on smoking them the day before, pulling them off after 4 or 5 hours, finishing them in the oven the next morning and pulling them on site. We will be setting up at 10 to start serving at 1. My thought is smoke them for the same 4-5 hours finish them in the oven and oull them all the same day and warm and serve the next day.

I'm kinda leary about cooling them off and getting them back up to temp before 10 am and what it will be like to try and pull it after doing so.

Any thoughts?
Reddit leads me to believe that this provides you with all the justification you need to head home and surprise your family with a brand new XL offset smoker.

You're not getting it for yourself! You need it for Derailed75 Jr. and their band! :laugh:

I have not gone from smoked butt --> fridge --> reheat --> pulling but that would definitely make me nervous as well given the volume and 10am requirement.

Could you finish the pork how you normally do, let it sit however long your normally do (if at all), pull it, and then put the pulled pork into roasting pans in the fridge?

I imagine it would be much easier getting everything back up to temp if it's already pulled.

But I will say, a butt wrapped in foil, towels, and placed in a good cooler should still be hot after 10 hours in my experience. I usually put one towel on the base of the cooler, and the wrap a second towel around the pork. Go heavy on the foil to keep all the moisture in. So if you need to keep the butts whole until the event maybe start the reheat process much earlier than you normally would just to play it on the safe side?
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Update l.

I picked up the butts frozen Tuesday after work. There were 9 of them ranging from just over 7lbs to almost 12. Between my stand up and my offset I can fit them all.

I've decided I'm going to finish them Friday, pull them before bed and pan them. Warming them in the morning before delivering. I'll save some of the juice to make sure they don't dry out once pulled.

When I told the guy in charge he said "do whatever you are comfortable with, I appreciated the hell out of the help" so no one's feelings will get hurt.

Also never cooking more than one or two at a time i have always hand cut the fat cap off. I have my mother in laws electric carving knife for this. I don't think I would be able to move my arms in the AM after hand cutting 9 butts!
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