Bang for the Buck

Nac Mac Feegle

wee & free
Jun 10, 2011
We also have to factor in 3 contracts and roster positions versus 1 with that Phaneuf trade. With Phaneuf here, you still need to spend money to fill those 2 extra roster spots. Yes, Phaneuf is a definite upgrade, but it's also at a high cost.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
I never said that. If people are rational then we can have an intelligent discussion (what I am looking for), agree or not. But yes, I call out pure biased haters who have no substance and I have absolutely no problem doing it.

You call out anyone who criticizes a player (and in the past, Murray) and treat it like some sort of crime. Hell, you seem to take people criticizing these players quite personally.

Paranoia involves intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy. Paranoia occurs in many mental disorders, but is most often present in psychotic disorders. Paranoia can become delusions, when irrational thoughts and beliefs become so fixed that nothing (including contrary evidence) can convince a person that what they think or feel is not true. When a person has paranoia or delusions, but no other symptoms (like hearing or seeing things that aren't there), they might have what is called a delusional disorder. Because only thoughts are impacted, a person with delusional disorder can usually work and function in everyday life, however, their lives may be limited and isolated.

I stand by what I said. A certain amount of posters are paranoid. Factual evidence can't help them getting out of their biased hyperbolic ways.

Way to prove my point about mental gymnastics. You take one sentence out of context in that definition and apply it to paranoia at large. Meanwhile, you ignore the main aspect of paranoia: it "involves intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy."

Nobody is saying the Senators were persecuting them, threatening them, or part of some conspiracy to be mediocre. Hell, saying the people you called paranoid were "fearful or anxious" is a stretch. People are frustrated after nearly a decade of lackluster results. Frankly, that's perfectly normal for a fanbase.

I find that trying to twist people's words is a bit weak but if that's what float your boat...

All rebuilds take a different amount of time. I was saying that people should be a bit more patient before proclaiming it as a failure as the Sens were in their 5th year, and then I named rebuilds like LA and Chicago, which took a long longer...

And as I pointed out then (guess you didn't read it), the way you qualified each rebuild was immensely flawed. You completely ignored changes in management and coaching, when a team actually bottomed out (yes, getting top 5 picks helps rebuilds, and it's something both LA and Chicago did), and when the idea of rebuilding was actually embraced. All you did was look at when mediocre results began and declared "this is where the rebuild started!" You threw context out the window. In both LA and Chicago's cases, they limped along, refusing to fully rebuild, instead just looking to get into the playoffs. Neither team began properly rebuilding until 2004 at the earliest.

Again, you're a master of mental gymnastics.

I never "kissed up" any mod :laugh:, I get quite a bit of infractions. Lately I got 3 in some kind of "social experiment". I tried to call out some posters the exact same way that they were calling out a player. Looks like it is not permitted :sarcasm: My conclusion is that I find ridiculous that people here can flame out players as they want because we assume that they have no account on HF or are not reading :laugh:

"Social experiment?" So you go around insulting (yes, that is what you're doing, even if it's often in a passive-aggressive manner) other posters as part of some little experiment (which sounds more like a way to excuse simply doing it "for the lolz" than anything)? Get a life. If you honestly take issue with people being harsh on the internet, well, it's probably not the place for you. And your little crusade isn't going to stop it from continuing. Especially when, as I've pointed out, you twist things to suit your own needs. It's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

As for your assessment, maybe you take it like that but I need to remind you that none of this is personal. It's only related to hockey posts on a hockey forum. I am NOT insulting people (but get quite a bit of insults though :laugh:). I am calling out people who are posting crap about hockey players and AFAIK I have the right to do that. People are at times very hard on players/management/coaches, do you expect me to be soft? They are people too and I choose to defend them over random people on the internet. Clearly, I am taking the players side. I always take the side of people who accomplishes things rather than people who sit on their ass whining at everything, that you can be sure.

Why? You don't know them anymore than you know posters here on this forum. Is it because you've seen pictures of them and therefore can associate a face with the person? You also don't know what posters here have accomplished in their lives. How arrogant are you that you decide a person being critical of hockey players on a message board warrants your criticism because you've decided they haven't "accomplish[ed] things?" That right there? That's insulting.

So, you can perceive it the way you want, interpret it like I am doing this or that, it's up to you. Reality is I have nothing against anybody on this site, just calling out some people's baseless opinions. Nothing harmful really. I know I have my haters because I can turn their biased opinions into ridicule but I also have a lot of supporters and I receive appreciation private messages on a regular basis so I must not be the Evil like you think I am :laugh:

You're being quite the critic here with an holier-than-thou attitude, but what do you think you are doing here exactly? (and seriously, every time you quote me you are flaming me out like crazy! hahaha)

A classic case of laying down cover in the first part of that paragraph. It also shows just how much of a holier-than-thou attitude you actually have, but nice try with attempting to throw that at me. Well here I am, calling out your own biased opinion and warping of facts, like the definition of paranoia and the actual length of the rebuilds LA and Chicago went through, and on the fact that you insult others. So, essentially what you claim to be doing.

And you're whole "4 million over 5.25 years" depends on subtracting 11.7 million outright for this year, ignoring the fact that Phaneuf is still making $7.5 this year. Again, all they're saving is $4.2 million this year, and what, about $600k last year?

Oops, looks like you missed another curve! :naughty:

I said "most non-marginal NHL players", what do you think it means?

And you're missing the fact that the majority of non-marginal NHLers are no longer what they once were by age 35.

If he doesn't get leg injuries or doesn't put more weight, I don't see a "logical" reason why he would become slower from 31 to 35. Phaneuf is a bull on skates. He is built like a truck. Actually, he could realistically sacrifice a bit of mass to gain a bit of speed, like Chris Neil did, I repeat.

I am not known for somebody who lacks logic. Actually, I am a bit annoying with logic at times apparently, but nice try.

Aging, which all people do, combined with the wear and tear of playing an 82 game NHL season isn't enough logical reason for you? As for Neil, he did get better, but he still wasn't especially good, especially after they took Shane Prince off his line by trading him. Not saying Prince was a star, but he was an effective player at keeping the puck out of his own end by helping to keep it on his and his teammates' sticks more often.

And Phaneuf is 6'3 and 214 lbs.. So he's got 2 inches on Neil and a bigger frame to boot. How much can he realistically sacrifice while still playing his style of game?

I think JD1 already pointed out how ridiculous that win streak argument was, but for the rest, I would just say welcome to Ottawa. The only way I could see them contending is to strike gold on several prospects in a short period of time, until they are not able to pay them all again. Under the cap era, the Ottawa Senators are a team that has to fight to stay competitive every year and "just get in". If you want a team that doesn't face that kind of reality, you have the choice with teams nearby like the Habs, Rangers or Leafs. They can spend to the cap, spend money on staff, buy out contracts, bury them, attract good UFAs, make trades with taking back salary, put more money on scouting/development, etc. It's just a matter of accepting reality or not.

With all that being said, I propose "peace" :D

And JD1's criticism of my argument doesn't hold much weight when you realize I didn't simply remove their win streak. Hell, I still gave them a winning record during that time. Additionally, long win streaks like those always need to be taken with a grain of salt when properly evaluating a team. The issue wasn't just the 11 game win streak, but also how tight the standings were during the 2009-10 season. So the Senators benefitting from a ridiculously good streak (and ones like that don't come around often), where even going just over .500 would have left them on the outwide looking in, should be considered when looking back on that season and the team's success re: the standings. Hell, finishing 5th in the East in 2009-10 and then falling down to 5th last (and at one point 2nd last during the season) in 2010-11 shocked people.

And the issue isn't spending to the cap. I mean, it doesn't help the Sens, but there are ways around that in terms of player evaluation. The issue is this team doesn't think long-term and hasn't for a while. They make moves just to get in. Are you honestly saying people should just shut-up and accept scraping by?

Seriously, Melnyk thinks 1 or 2 years of sucking would be too much? Does he not remember how accepting fans were of the need to rebuild in 2011? A rebuild that didn't even last a single season due to numerous factors (the emergence of Karlsson as an elite player, and several veterans having rebound seasons but whose age didn't align with a younger core). What fans want is a sense of direction. A firm plan for the future. The Sens' "plan" for the last several years has consisted of "just get in and hope for the best." Frankly, I think fans have every right to be frustrated by that and to criticize players (especially if they're overpaid and/or underperforming), coaching, management, and ownership under the circumstances.

And let me guess, by "peace" you mean "shut-up, stop criticizing, and accept that I'm right?" Spare me your schpiel.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
how it's done, in my mind, means that a guy like Neil trains his balls off every summer because that's what he needs to do to keep his spot in the NHL. Plus, with his style of play, he's likely had to do all sorts of things to maintain his health and prevent his body from breaking down. I'm sure he's careful with his nutrition as well.

There's also the community presence. When guys see the current longest serving Senator player still out and about in the community, volunteering, working with charities, and whatever else, then that sets a good example for what is expected of the players here.

These are all valuable things that he can teach to young players. I'm sure there's more.

Additionally, for a guy playing limited ice time on the 4th line, I'm not going to complain about what Neil brings to the table. Can you honestly say that any single player called up from Bingo has done more on the ice than Neil? I can't. Neil is one of the players that I would not really complain about this season.

I get what you're saying. I just don't get why karlsson can't be that guy. Or turris. Or stone. Why must we keep a guy that doesn't belong in the NHL anymore to show the young guys the ropes when we have many good players with hundreds and hundreds of GP in their careers.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
I just think it's silly to evaluate defencemen by "cost-per-point".

I agree with guys that aren't here to bring any offense such as methot or borowiecki. But for guys like karlsson,phaneuf, Ceci, and Wideman, they are supposed to have an offensive game and provide offense for the team and if they don't we suffer.

Pierre from Orleans

Registered User
May 9, 2007
You call out anyone who criticizes a player (and in the past, Murray) and treat it like some sort of crime. Hell, you seem to take people criticizing these players quite personally.

Way to prove my point about mental gymnastics. You take one sentence out of context in that definition and apply it to paranoia at large. Meanwhile, you ignore the main aspect of paranoia: it "involves intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy."

Nobody is saying the Senators were persecuting them, threatening them, or part of some conspiracy to be mediocre. Hell, saying the people you called paranoid were "fearful or anxious" is a stretch. People are frustrated after nearly a decade of lackluster results. Frankly, that's perfectly normal for a fanbase.

And as I pointed out then (guess you didn't read it), the way you qualified each rebuild was immensely flawed. You completely ignored changes in management and coaching, when a team actually bottomed out (yes, getting top 5 picks helps rebuilds, and it's something both LA and Chicago did), and when the idea of rebuilding was actually embraced. All you did was look at when mediocre results began and declared "this is where the rebuild started!" You threw context out the window. In both LA and Chicago's cases, they limped along, refusing to fully rebuild, instead just looking to get into the playoffs. Neither team began properly rebuilding until 2004 at the earliest.

Again, you're a master of mental gymnastics.

"Social experiment?" So you go around insulting (yes, that is what you're doing, even if it's often in a passive-aggressive manner) other posters as part of some little experiment (which sounds more like a way to excuse simply doing it "for the lolz" than anything)? Get a life. If you honestly take issue with people being harsh on the internet, well, it's probably not the place for you. And your little crusade isn't going to stop it from continuing. Especially when, as I've pointed out, you twist things to suit your own needs. It's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Why? You don't know them anymore than you know posters here on this forum. Is it because you've seen pictures of them and therefore can associate a face with the person? You also don't know what posters here have accomplished in their lives. How arrogant are you that you decide a person being critical of hockey players on a message board warrants your criticism because you've decided they haven't "accomplish[ed] things?" That right there? That's insulting.

A classic case of laying down cover in the first part of that paragraph. It also shows just how much of a holier-than-thou attitude you actually have, but nice try with attempting to throw that at me. Well here I am, calling out your own biased opinion and warping of facts, like the definition of paranoia and the actual length of the rebuilds LA and Chicago went through, and on the fact that you insult others. So, essentially what you claim to be doing.

And you're whole "4 million over 5.25 years" depends on subtracting 11.7 million outright for this year, ignoring the fact that Phaneuf is still making $7.5 this year. Again, all they're saving is $4.2 million this year, and what, about $600k last year?

And you're missing the fact that the majority of non-marginal NHLers are no longer what they once were by age 35.

Aging, which all people do, combined with the wear and tear of playing an 82 game NHL season isn't enough logical reason for you? As for Neil, he did get better, but he still wasn't especially good, especially after they took Shane Prince off his line by trading him. Not saying Prince was a star, but he was an effective player at keeping the puck out of his own end by helping to keep it on his and his teammates' sticks more often.

And Phaneuf is 6'3 and 214 lbs.. So he's got 2 inches on Neil and a bigger frame to boot. How much can he realistically sacrifice while still playing his style of game?

And JD1's criticism of my argument doesn't hold much weight when you realize I didn't simply remove their win streak. Hell, I still gave them a winning record during that time. Additionally, long win streaks like those always need to be taken with a grain of salt when properly evaluating a team. The issue wasn't just the 11 game win streak, but also how tight the standings were during the 2009-10 season. So the Senators benefitting from a ridiculously good streak (and ones like that don't come around often), where even going just over .500 would have left them on the outwide looking in, should be considered when looking back on that season and the team's success re: the standings. Hell, finishing 5th in the East in 2009-10 and then falling down to 5th last (and at one point 2nd last during the season) in 2010-11 shocked people.

And the issue isn't spending to the cap. I mean, it doesn't help the Sens, but there are ways around that in terms of player evaluation. The issue is this team doesn't think long-term and hasn't for a while. They make moves just to get in. Are you honestly saying people should just shut-up and accept scraping by?

Seriously, Melnyk thinks 1 or 2 years of sucking would be too much? Does he not remember how accepting fans were of the need to rebuild in 2011? A rebuild that didn't even last a single season due to numerous factors (the emergence of Karlsson as an elite player, and several veterans having rebound seasons but whose age didn't align with a younger core). What fans want is a sense of direction. A firm plan for the future. The Sens' "plan" for the last several years has consisted of "just get in and hope for the best." Frankly, I think fans have every right to be frustrated by that and to criticize players (especially if they're overpaid and/or underperforming), coaching, management, and ownership under the circumstances.

And let me guess, by "peace" you mean "shut-up, stop criticizing, and accept that I'm right?" Spare me your schpiel.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees that drivel


Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
It sure looks to me like the plan for the future for the past few years has been to draft and develop a new core.

I dont really see when the opportunity was for just sucking for 1 or 2 years to improve. As if that is some easy thing to just accomplish by trying to do that while keeping some star players. Our team has been on an upward trajectory for awhile now. We have been slowly adding new core pieces for a while now and improving. We have more time to go.

Teams like the leafs, chi, and la, didnt really plan to tank, their choice in the matter was thrust upon them. That hasnt been a real life ability in our grasp for some time now. Even after trading Fisher and Kelly was thrust upon us, we were still on the getting better trajectory that prevented us from ensuring 1 or 2 quick years of sucking.


Registered User
Jan 7, 2016
Elliott for Anderson when we were looking at a top three pick and got Zibanejad instead


Registered User
Mar 25, 2009
Elliott for Anderson when we were looking at a top three pick and got Zibanejad instead

I think you would be a great GM.

You forgot to mention Hammond. Could you imagine the draft pick without the Hamburgler's run?

And you should trade all the players except Dzingle.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2005
And JD1's criticism of my argument doesn't hold much weight when you realize I didn't simply remove their win streak. Hell, I still gave them a winning record during that time. Additionally, long win streaks like those always need to be taken with a grain of salt when properly evaluating a team. The issue wasn't just the 11 game win streak, but also how tight the standings were during the 2009-10 season. So the Senators benefitting from a ridiculously good streak (and ones like that don't come around often), where even going just over .500 would have left them on the outwide looking in, should be considered when looking back on that season and the team's success re: the standings. Hell, finishing 5th in the East in 2009-10 and then falling down to 5th last (and at one point 2nd last during the season) in 2010-11 .

I realized you didn't just remove the win streak and that you gave them a 6-5 record. And I will say it again....that is ridiculous.

And I will repeat the two examples I used from this year. If you take away half of Philly's win streak they entering the lottery discussion and if you take away half of Columbus's streak they are out of the playoffs.

Teams have ebbs and flows. good and bad times. You cannot take away their best run, cut the points in half and claim somehow their season was skewed. That is not a credible argument.

it's no more credible than taking a teams worst stretch and saying they are better than their record because of that losing streak.

what you are doing is altering facts to fit your narrative.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2005
using LA and Chicago as examples of how something should be done really doesn't help your argument. Look around this "fan" board and it is full of doom and gloom and we haven't missed the playoffs in back to back years in 20 years.

LA missed 6 years in a row last decade before the accumulation of high end picks turned them around. Chicago made the playoffs once in ten years prior to turning it around in 08 09.

So I figure you are either too young to remember their futility or you are being a bit disingenius.

This team likely cannot afford missing the playoffs 6 years in a row. Look at yourself as an example. Over the last 6 years we've been to the playoffs 3 times and won a series. I can't imagine how you might be had we missed those years.

This city lost football and it came back twice. I don't think the NHL would ever end up back here should it leave and a 10 year run out of the playoffs and Melnyk likely moves along for greener pastures.


DJ Dorion
Jun 29, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Well I would prefer to not put anymore time into this (and seriously I have no idea why you refuse to just put me on ignore like I did for you long time ago) but I guess I will have to defend myself since you are accusing me of all sort of things like it was my trial! Not really nervous though so let's play :laugh:

EDIT : looking back it was worth it, I was enjoying it all the way :thumbu:

You call out anyone who criticizes a player (and in the past, Murray) and treat it like some sort of crime. Hell, you seem to take people criticizing these players quite personally.

You just don't get it. That has NOTHING to do with Murray or even the Senators. It's all about respect of any player/GM/coach as they are REAL PEOPLE TOO. I would never call out somebody who is criticizing players fairly, as I do it quite often myself. However I take exception with posters who are lacking respect for them by calling them names and such.

How many times I have read "senile old man, bum, dumb, giraffe, stupid, crap, blockhead, idiot, etc". I have the right to dislike reading these adjectives as far as I know. And knowing that internet is a stupid place where people throw insults in anonymity, it would be even worse if pure insults were not blocked on HF.

Saying a player is playing poorly or has poor advanced stats is NOT a crime. If they don't go too far, I am just disagreeing and arguing with them, rectifying facts and trying to change their minds.

However calling a player all kind of names is not cool at all. Yes I take it personally because it could be me, it could be my brother, my father, my friend, etc. I know people who played at high levels and still do. Ever heard of Zinedine Zidane for example? Well his family is connected to my family (so watch out, a part of my family also comes from Sicilia :sarcasm:). I just think it's NOT right to disrespect people like that just because "they are not here"

So since you're ready to make my trial I demand proof! Go ahead and find quotes where I am so "evil". I don't make it personal or throw insults, I am criticizing people's posts on a hockey forum. Is it not permitted?

And frankly, 80% of my posting is just retrieving facts. Example today :

Way to prove my point about mental gymnastics. You take one sentence out of context in that definition and apply it to paranoia at large. Meanwhile, you ignore the main aspect of paranoia: it "involves intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy."

You haven't read HF enough if you think some people don't feel persecuted or in some kind of conspiracy... HF boards is a social place where humans hang out, paranoia is a human behaviour/thought process, I really don't see why it's impossible that you could find some of that here :dunno:

Just the Wiki definition : "Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of delusion and irrationality".

Yes, IMO, some posters are delusional and irrational. Some of it comes from the fear/anxiety of the comparison with Leafs and Habs fans. Heck, it's easy to observe. Just in GDTs, people are much more emotional against the Leafs and emotion brings more irrationality.

Nobody is saying the Senators were persecuting them, threatening them, or part of some conspiracy to be mediocre. Hell, saying the people you called paranoid were "fearful or anxious" is a stretch. People are frustrated after nearly a decade of lackluster results. Frankly, that's perfectly normal for a fanbase.

I don't remember the exact context but it's clearly not what I was saying :laugh:. But anyway, I'm fairly frustrated too, however I seem to have much more patience than most because I think it takes a while to properly rebuild. I still have fun following the team even if they are not "Elite" like before.

You cling so much on the definition of that word, it's crazy as it's been a while. You need to move on at one point... You want to think that I am an idiot and I have no idea of what I am talking about? Be my guest :thumbu:

And as I pointed out then (guess you didn't read it), the way you qualified each rebuild was immensely flawed. You completely ignored changes in management and coaching, when a team actually bottomed out (yes, getting top 5 picks helps rebuilds, and it's something both LA and Chicago did), and when the idea of rebuilding was actually embraced. All you did was look at when mediocre results began and declared "this is where the rebuild started!" You threw context out the window. In both LA and Chicago's cases, they limped along, refusing to fully rebuild, instead just looking to get into the playoffs. Neither team began properly rebuilding until 2004 at the earliest.

Again, you're a master of mental gymnastics.

OK so let's take context in consideration for LA and Chicago but let's not take context in consideration for Ottawa? And you say that I am a master of mental gymnastics? :nod:

Again, it's a bit far in the past and it's hard to remember exactly but IIRC, I was just pointing out that 3 years IS NOT ENOUGH TO JUDGE A REBUILD :laugh: So I pointed simple facts like the number of years the Hawks and Kings suffered before being good again.

"Social experiment?" So you go around insulting (yes, that is what you're doing, even if it's often in a passive-aggressive manner) other posters as part of some little experiment (which sounds more like a way to excuse simply doing it "for the lolz" than anything)? Get a life. If you honestly take issue with people being harsh on the internet, well, it's probably not the place for you. And your little crusade isn't going to stop it from continuing. Especially when, as I've pointed out, you twist things to suit your own needs. It's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

:laugh: wow man chill out. I am not insulting people. I don't remember taking it personally to somebody. It's always about hockey posts. You should be looking yourself in the mirror right now ;)

And yes, my "social experiment" proved what is so ridiculous about internet (precisely HF) in a vaccum. People can say : "This player/GM is dumb" but just because we assume that this person doesn't have an account on HF, it is permitted. In this "social experiment", I have tried to tell on purpose the exact same thing to the poster "the only dumb thing here is your post", and I got an infraction each and every time. Pretty ironic in my books :naughty:

And now you come up with more personal judgments, as you are trying to insult me in a "passive-aggressive manner", as if I need to "get a life". Have I ever said something about you or your life? Am I talking about your fixation of my posting on a message board? :laugh:

Don't worry about my life, it's not perfect but I have enough to be grateful everyday. ;)

As for my little crusade, yes you're right I won't change the world, but if I can have some influence on some people... That's all I am asking for

Why? You don't know them anymore than you know posters here on this forum. Is it because you've seen pictures of them and therefore can associate a face with the person? You also don't know what posters here have accomplished in their lives. How arrogant are you that you decide a person being critical of hockey players on a message board warrants your criticism because you've decided they haven't "accomplish[ed] things?" That right there? That's insulting.

Again, I am NOT targeting anybody. I throw a hat and it's up to people to see if it fits them or not. I know hockey players in real life (and I meet some new quite often) and I know they have accomplished something : making the NHL. I respect them for that nothing more. I would bet than Bryan Murray has accomplished much more in his life than 99.9% of the people who called him dumb, senile or whatever. That's what I meant. Why exactly can't I choose to take side with whoever I want? If they have accomplished more, then good for them. Usually, people who have accomplished a lot don't spend most of their time whining. I could be wrong. It's just a thought that I am throwing out there. Is it illegal or something? :laugh:

A classic case of laying down cover in the first part of that paragraph. It also shows just how much of a holier-than-thou attitude you actually have, but nice try with attempting to throw that at me. Well here I am, calling out your own biased opinion and warping of facts, like the definition of paranoia and the actual length of the rebuilds LA and Chicago went through, and on the fact that you insult others. So, essentially what you claim to be doing.

No. I am just telling you things like they are. You are attacking me every time you quote me but I still like you brother. I am just not somebody who has hate in his heart. Keep throwing jabs if you need it. I can take them ;)

And you're whole "4 million over 5.25 years" depends on subtracting 11.7 million outright for this year, ignoring the fact that Phaneuf is still making $7.5 this year. Again, all they're saving is $4.2 million this year, and what, about $600k last year?

Ok nevermind too long to explain! Check my post history and do a search using Phaneuf and Toronto as key words, I have explained it well enough for anyone to understand.

And you're missing the fact that the majority of non-marginal NHLers are no longer what they once were by age 35.

Again, you missed the point, but whatever time is running out. I originally said "35 y/o, an age where most non-marginal NHL players still play at a great/good/decent level"

It means that MOST players (not every) who were good younger are still great, good OR decent at 35 y/o.

Just a random example : Mike Fisher is 36 y/o and most of his best years have been after 31 y/o despite the scoring going down.

Aging, which all people do, combined with the wear and tear of playing an 82 game NHL season isn't enough logical reason for you? As for Neil, he did get better, but he still wasn't especially good, especially after they took Shane Prince off his line by trading him. Not saying Prince was a star, but he was an effective player at keeping the puck out of his own end by helping to keep it on his and his teammates' sticks more often.

And Phaneuf is 6'3 and 214 lbs.. So he's got 2 inches on Neil and a bigger frame to boot. How much can he realistically sacrifice while still playing his style of game?

Again, in 25 years of following the NHL, I have seen a lot of good players maintaining a good OR decent level by the age of 35. Another example : Sergei Gonchar signed with Ottawa at 36 y/o, and while he was not in his prime anymore, he was still useful. Chris Neil is cool and everything but he is a marginal player. He was a role player all his career. Prince is marginal too.

Yes, you are aging from 31 to 35 but it's just 4 years. If you stay in good shape, you don't become an old fart all of sudden. Phaneuf appears to be a great athlete and as long as he doesn't suffer serious injuries, I'm not worried for him for that period of time.

Most players who regresses before 35, it's usually because of injuries. It can cause you to get "older" faster.

And JD1's criticism of my argument doesn't hold much weight when you realize I didn't simply remove their win streak. Hell, I still gave them a winning record during that time. Additionally, long win streaks like those always need to be taken with a grain of salt when properly evaluating a team. The issue wasn't just the 11 game win streak, but also how tight the standings were during the 2009-10 season. So the Senators benefitting from a ridiculously good streak (and ones like that don't come around often), where even going just over .500 would have left them on the outwide looking in, should be considered when looking back on that season and the team's success re: the standings. Hell, finishing 5th in the East in 2009-10 and then falling down to 5th last (and at one point 2nd last during the season) in 2010-11 shocked people.

Ok but what about losing streaks? :D You're really trying to spin this one?

And the issue isn't spending to the cap. I mean, it doesn't help the Sens, but there are ways around that in terms of player evaluation. The issue is this team doesn't think long-term and hasn't for a while. They make moves just to get in. Are you honestly saying people should just shut-up and accept scraping by?

They can criticize, just not insult.

Seriously, Melnyk thinks 1 or 2 years of sucking would be too much? Does he not remember how accepting fans were of the need to rebuild in 2011? A rebuild that didn't even last a single season due to numerous factors (the emergence of Karlsson as an elite player, and several veterans having rebound seasons but whose age didn't align with a younger core). What fans want is a sense of direction. A firm plan for the future. The Sens' "plan" for the last several years has consisted of "just get in and hope for the best." Frankly, I think fans have every right to be frustrated by that and to criticize players (especially if they're overpaid and/or underperforming), coaching, management, and ownership under the circumstances.

They have the right to do it. It doesn't mean that they are good at it, and I will be here to point that out. Of course, bashing should not be accepted but outside of that, if they keep it civilized, I have no problem. Doesn't mean I won't argue or try to rectify facts though.

And let me guess, by "peace" you mean "shut-up, stop criticizing, and accept that I'm right?" Spare me your schpiel.

And no, by "peace" I really mean "peace", like stop fighting and move on to something else! :laugh: You really need to relax mec :GWC:


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