I can't see this case running till past the NHL draft.
You know, I would LMAO if the bankruptcy court finds for Balsillie on every single point, and breaks the Coyotes arena lease, only to have Jerry Bruckheimer swoop in with a better bid and move the team to Vegas instead.
Just because I know that a certain contingent on these boards would absolutely explode with rage and indignation.
# @OdinMercer it was approved. All court dates will be in Phoenix3 minutes ago from txt
# Moving to have all proceedings to Phoenix passed9 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
# Presenting the bankruptcy case now.14 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
# Judge doesn't want to decide before the draft, says we don't have enough time.14 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
# Judge won't hear motions that haven't been filed yet. Nobody filed a motion about whether Moyes was actually able to file bankruptcy.
Maybe Big Jim found out and that's why the twits seem to have stopped. Plan terminated.Is it wrong to laugh at the fact that TheYotesDiva is tweeting from the courtroom on a BlackBerry?
TheYotesDiva seems less than reliable, I trust Mouser more.
It just dawned on me that the condition of JB to relocate the team will be discussed in this case , not as concerns moving the team to Ontario, but as a way to break the lease. Relocation in this sense could mean moving the team back to AWA to the bankruptcy court.
What can be argued is that the lease is required to be broken without penalty , so as to ensure that the secured creditors receive the maximum repayment of their debts. I think that any offer that to purchase the team will contain a clause like this because the lease is one of the main costs of operation.