this team complete de bulshit team. serfish makar mackannon soloing rounds not makin team up by anything. al compose by not knowing anythingcoach bednars-. this coach cenching player who a getting somewhat points during game. what ai nice thing to do..oh i cannot get change score 5 tonight? this team not helping mikko socring 50. his teammate trying him to miss. coach also benching mikko during whole pps etc. no coolnessity. no unstressity at all during makars mackannons playing. just all soloing and speed only no passing. total bullshit game of these. just skaing fast and shooting from all impossible areas , distances and all. totally killing teamgame. also all pps killing with this method. 0 brain in maskannons game. very zero iq in his thinking. mikko 48 and 88. teammate in line trying best he missing higher numbers and markings . like 50 and 100. book it. in edmonton mediocre german and veryvery fast player having peace in playing 100time in pps etc. and thinking before shooting and not stressing. WHERE IS THIS TEAMS DUM COACH? FIRE ASAP!!! HOW LONG MIKKOS TEAMLINEMATES NOT PASSING HIM ??? TIL HE GET INJURY AND MISSING 50? PLEASE REALISE. START PLAYING 100 ALONE LIKE SELFISH GOALGOATMAKAR AND SELFISH MACKANNON
rantanen please ask for new team why you still here?