John Scott, not only the Captain the league deserved but also the one its Commissionor needed.John Scott isn't an option so I'm not voting
They just showed Necas on TV flipping a puck to a kid wearing his jersey, already a fan favorite.Marty the last one off the ice, flipping pucks to the kids.
Nate must be fuming Marty stayed on after him.
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Is that a thing in the NHL? The order folks leave the ice, or is it just a bug-a-boo about him being first on last off type of guy?Marty the last one off the ice, flipping pucks to the kids.
Nate must be fuming Marty stayed on after him.
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Is that a thing in the NHL? The order folks leave the ice, or is it just a bug-a-boo about him being first on last off type of guy?
That's the kind of cool stuff that we don't typically get to really see watching the broadcast.Some teams have it, some don’t.
Generally for the Avs, it’s MacK and Drouin last to leave the ice.
They usually do a few one timers back and forth for a couple of minutes before going off the ice.
Drouin then gets off first, MacKinnon sends all the remaining pucks into the net or towards the bench and then he goes off.