Matthews is not being held accountable for what he is vs what he demands. He has compete level issues, thats a fact but he wants to be paid a different way. He is the highest paid player this year in the NHL this year. A guy who takes a backseat to alpha dogs in the playoffs...see face wash vs montreal, quitting when things get rough. A passive 6-3 230 player who wont separate man from the puck knowing thats the difference in winning a playoff game. He has 1 first round win in his career, a fluky series win vs Tampa. He appears to have a chronic back issue he will not shoot the puck this year. 23 goals from a 13.25 player. We paid him for those 60 goal years. Is Matthews hungry in the playoffs? Not at all. Do I see a player who hates losing? No. He will want 20 million when his contract up. Is Matthews a top 5 player in the NHL ? No.