Have been watching the skills competition and the game with my wife, who is still learning hockey and has made a decidedly sincere effort this year to start learning more about the ins and outs of the game and how it's played rather than just being a fan and just generally following the play, but actually understanding what's going on strategically and behind the scenes.
So we've been watching the current stuff, then the 1997 events. Which is kind of surreal for her since she gets to see Messier and Chelios as older analysts, but then also see them towards the tail end of their primes moments later.
Needless to say she preferred the 1997 skills competition by a longshot. The new one is "too overproduced, too much showmanship...they really dragged it out" etc. We'll be watching the 1997 ASG sometime this weekend too, curious to see what she'll think of that.
I clearly prefer the 1990s format...I can't stand the way 3 on 3 is played generally nowadays and prefer the fun of teams trading rushes vs. the slow pace cycle, clear your own offensive zone to regroup, half the time a player receives a pass they're skating towars their own net style.
Just interesting to see her takes on what has better entertainment value since she's still learning the game.
This is not a criticism of the players obviously as the skill level in the league is as high as it's been probably since the 1990's, but just the curious format. And can someone PLEASE tell ESPN/ABC to stop with the awful aerial cameras and video game graphics during the game...it's so bad it makes me want to bring the FoxTrax puck back just for those views since you literally can't follow it. There's a reason the center ice camera has been a staple of the game watching experiece for decades, and it's because it actually works and allows you to follow the entire play.