The answer that you failed to give is that the IIHF has done absolutely nothing to promote having the WC in the US, which speaks volumes as to how interested they are in holding the WC outside of Europe. In a competitive world a company wouldn't last very long if it just sat back and did nothing to land its biggest potential customer, which is exactly what the IIHF has done for the last 100 years.
Furthermore in Europe most sports fans who are aware of hockey don't realize that the WC is a C level tournament, the hard core fans know, but the majority do not. They want European teams winning so they can sell the perception that the teams are better than they really are. The European nations controlling the IIHF don't want strong NA teams there, it's kind of obvious really.
Common man! You living in your conspiration theories or what?? IIHF would be more than happy if USA or Canada take WC more often. What do you think IIHF did to promote WC in any european country? Nothing. Its always up to national federation and its budget. Does anybody want weaken NA teams?? Obviously not and it was never like this,NEVER...
Sweden,Russia,Slovakia, Czechs invested a lot of money to save their hockey level during crisis which came to all of this nations in last 15 years... And you now think that better idea is to let people think that we can beat NA teams and just pretend that these teams are strong??? Do you think that we live here in some hockey propagana or in 1984 from Orwell??? How can we even have any influence on your players lying somewhere on the beach and playing golf??
Why is it C level now?? Because you send weak team or what? We obviously can not find any conclusion but you should be aware that at least in my country players grow up to play for national team in WC, this is a basic idea. They are expected to be very loyal to national jersey. So excuses are always subjects to topics in newspapers and once you decline as a young player it could twist against you in future. This is pretty much part of HUdler case who declined several times in past and never found position in national team later.Even Radko GUdas father had to explain why his son did not come this year.
I bet it's completely different situation than in NA. To be honest, with such a depth and low possibility to get to OG roster, I do not really understand to NA players attitude. You probably bring them up for Stanley cup but here they are brought up for national team...
You obviously never attend any WC tourney. Trust me, it is much more fun than any World cup event.You can think whatever you want about eropean leagues but just for evidence, you know that your C teams are not competitive so even from this point of view, calling it C level tourney must be just the attempt to offend anybody who likes it.....