he was captain for hockey, which is a game and not real life, I guarantee if a player needed advice on real life stuff they would be looking to an older player, not a 22 year old Toews
as the parent of 3 kids in their 20’s, I can say with absolute certainty that they don’t have perspective that comes with getting older
I know personally that if I see something not right, I would hesitate to say things when I was a young adult, that I now will absolutely call out (sometimes to the embarrassment of said children)
just my perspective
I’m sorry, but if you’re captain of any sports team (and yes, I’ve played basketball at the high school level) or if you’re a veteran with a younger player, I expect much more than letting a younger player get taunted about being raped or, worse still, joining in.
Toews was the captain. He was regarded as
the captain with supposed impeccable intangibles, maturity, leadership, etc. from the very day he was drafted, from juniors on up. He was lauded throughout his career as the modern Yzerman as far as captaincy.
Don’t tell me he couldn’t have done anything to stop his teammates from acting like assholes. He had respect in that locker room from a young age. He just won a Cup as the captain. Don’t tell me his best option is to let his teammates have laughs at the expense of younger players who are likely already feeling like utter shit get piled on further.
There’s hazing - which, yes, I underwent, but it was light, like, carrying the equipment my freshman year, and the seniors and juniors were genuinely cool dudes, one of whom once went so far as to drive me home when I didn’t have a ride back - and then there’s flat-out malicious bullying like what happened in the 2011-2012 preseason. Yes, the coaching was f***ing awful, yes, the management was f***ing awful, but when it came to the players, Toews should’ve shut that shit down from the start, point blank, no excuses - which he said himself, that there were no excuses. He damn well knew it was wrong - or was the scouting report on him, Mr. Intangibles and Captain and shit, a complete f***ing lie?
But I’m not even concerned about
that. My main concern is when he had the opportunity to speak up for Beach and Black Ace 2, a decade after it comes out of the shadows, his best response is
nothing. He basically said, “I wish we could’ve done something different, but we were focused on playing hockey.” Not a mention about hearing his own teammates taunt and torment Beach and Black Ace 2 the very same preseason after because that
certainly wouldn’t look bad on him, right?
It speaks volumes about his supposed “intangibles”, “leadership”, and “maturity” when it all vanishes under actual scrutiny.