One literally has to work at being this much of a jackass. It's not hard to do the right thing. It's not hard to be a good person. What a sad, pathetic old man, doing all of this horseshit, when it would've been so much easier to do the right thing.
The craziest thing to me about his behavior is that the video isn't even the part where he took the puck or any of the original nonsense that got the crowd to start booing him. This video was a
second act of jackassery separate from the fight over the puck. I understand someone getting tunnel vision about getting a puck for their grandchild. That doesn't mean that I approve of the behavior, but I can at least
understand his perspective/argument that the puck was still fair game until it is in someone's hands and that he scooped it up to make his grandkid's day. You would hope that the entire crowd vocally turning on you would cause you to realize the greaseball nature of the move, but I can at least comprehend the motivation for that part of it.
But this video comes well after that part and he goes out of his way to double down on the asshole scale.
To summarize the article, a player's wife got the kid a
different game puck, an usher led her down to the kid, and then the crowd cheered when the kid finally got a puck. It was a nice moment and that could have been it. Both parties get a game puck, the people associated with the team deftly smooth over a hostile crowd with a nice moment, and everyone 'wins' without having to escalate the situation to formal action by the staff. The jackass could have just stayed in his seat, grumbled about how everyone is wrong but him, and everyone would have moved on
without him having to give up the puck he snagged. Maybe a few more boos/heckles from the crowd, but I'd bet good money that after the nice moment pretty much everyone would have moved on and resumed focus on the game.
Instead, the moment the usher and player's wife start to walk away he decides to get out of his seat and make things all about him. He gets into it with a different fan (not related to or sitting with the kid), then makes it a point to start berating the kid's mom and putting his finger in her face. I'm sure he was getting some (well earned) nasty insults hurled his way after he stood up, but what the hell are you doing dude?
He didn't even have to do the 'right thing' here. He just had to not actively be an asshole when people associated with the team did a nice thing for the kid he screwed over. Absolutely baffling. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. He could have just smugly enjoyed his 'victory' but instead he got himself tossed from the game and made a complete ass of himself in front of his grandkid.
Hopefully that is his last time in that building. The moment he grabbed at the arm of the usher walking in front of him is more than enough justification for the Pens to permanently trespass him.
Edit: just want to join the consensus that adults swiping pucks/shirts/whatever from kids is complete loser behavior. I'm not trying to defend his action of letting the kid free the puck and then swiping it for his own family.