Regardless, that was the can of worms opened with the Voynov suspension.
ROR was arrested and charged. No suspension.
Kane is currently embroiled in something that arguably looks worse for the league. No suspension.
If you're going to invoke the 'makes the league look bad' so you're suspended clause, you're going to have to be careful so you're not looking selective. Right now, the NHL is looking extremely selective. Russian 2nd-pairing d-man? Suspended within hours of arrest. Canadian good ol' boy arrested and charged? Not a peep. Marketable American superstar tied up in an ugly high profile legal case? We'll stand behind him. If you're going to play moral police, you'd better take a hard line. Right now the NHL looks like they're saying drinking and driving and fleeing the scene is okay and that the sideshow surrounding the Kane rape allegations do not harm the league in any way, but that domestic violence is the one issue that you cannot engage in. I understand being inconsistent due to having to take it case-by-case, but what a bunch of tone-deaf bull ****. Voynov is by far not the worst thing to happen to the league's image yet he was punished worse than anyone in NHL history, while situations that are arguably just as bad for the NHL's image, never mind society, either get completely ignored or worse.
Ugh, this bs gets me worked up. I'm done I swear!