This is just another post accusing people who disagree with your reasoning of being too dense to understand. Come on.
It's not binary/black-and-white. I've even said I believe in forgiveness and rehabilitation, but this kid has skated by. He hasn't shown contrition. He established a ten-year pattern of deviant behavior, then followed it up by doing nothing but the bare legal minimum (even that is debateable) and continually covering his own ass at every turn--he lied about the incident, and he put more effort into a letter begging teams to pick him than he did into asking forgiveness. Hell, his accomplice broke down and received forgiveness, he didn't even have to do it alone, but he didn't do it. Show me the positive, I'm all ears, because I DO believe in second chances.
Now I do believe ND and the Yotes are saying the right things, ND has essentially said basically it's our responsibility to help this young man grow. I appreciate that. But Miller needs to take a huge step himself as well. As far as the Yotes, well, f*** them, its' pretty clear they picked him to try to get good value after pissing away their own picks through both bad management and their own unethical behavior, so they may be a match made in scumbag heaven. Hopefully both clean up their acts before they meet officially. Do I think Miller SHOULD have a pathway to college and the NHL? Absolutely--if he's willing to show he's learning. But if he just continues on pretending nothing every happened, its' just an example of the scumbag privilege culture and everyone involved--Miller, ND, AZ--should all be f***ing ashamed ESPECIALLY after committing to the hockey is for everyone initiatives.