It's the 2020's, not the 1990's, 100 points is basically the cut-off for a top 10 team, it's not elite top 5 contender level like it was when we were growing up, . The Kings league finishes since ending the rebuild have been 14, 10, 12 and this season currently 11, and you are acting like this is something other teams and fans would be envious of. The last time the Kings went down this similar roster construction was the late 90's/early 2000's.
97-98 (11th in league, 87 points)
99-00 (11th in league, 94 points)*
00-01 (13tth in league, 92 points)*
01-02 (12th in league, 94 points)*
loser point added, no shootout
Do you think people around the league were envious of those Kings teams. Do you think teams that were rebuilding at that time would have traded places with the Kings? It's the same type of roster and the same type of team, except one of those Kings teams was able to beat a team that was missing 2 Hall of Fame players.
To put it in perspective the teams that finished 10-14 in the NFL this year were Tampa, LA Rams, Houston, Pittsburgh and Denver, all of those teams finished 10-7, and that perfectly sums it up, that is what the Kings are a 10-7 team for four straight seasons.
There dozens of teams across all of major sports who are rebuilding, because it's the most proven way to build a winner. I don't know how you two continue to say that rebuilding is something that nobody does and that everyone is looking to jump into the blackhole as quickly as they can, at the expense of building a true winner.