OT: Are you annoyed with the Jays being Canada's team

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Registered User
Oct 21, 2009
I think it's great. Knowing how parts of the country hate Toronto, I love that people in say Alberta have to rock jerseys with Toronto on it.

Big myth. I have lived in 5 provinces, N.S, B.C., Alta. Man and Nfld and can say I have never heard anyone say anything bad about Toronto, other than Leafs suck.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2007
Big myth. I have lived in 5 provinces, N.S, B.C., Alta. Man and Nfld and can say I have never heard anyone say anything bad about Toronto, other than Leafs suck.

I don't know about that. I live in BC and work in Alberta. it's alive and well, a kind of jealous resentment to "the center of the universe" (I'm not from the Ontario, lived there briefly as a teenager). This resentment is not limited to the Leafs either. Personally I think it's pretty lame and it's often people who aren't very well travelled, to be honest. I know that's a generalization but it's just my personal experience.

Darth Menace

Registered User
Apr 14, 2016
I can see what the OP is talking about. It goes from a run of the mill professional team and suddenly with some success they are Canada's team! "Yay, I am a hardcore Jays fan...look at all the apparel I just bought!" Plus, I guess there are two Canada's teams because the Toronto Raptors are the only professional NBA team in Canada. Or then again maybe the Raptors ARE Canada's team because they are the only NBA team in Canada AND Basketball has more Canadian ties than baseball does.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2013
Big myth. I have lived in 5 provinces, N.S, B.C., Alta. Man and Nfld and can say I have never heard anyone say anything bad about Toronto, other than Leafs suck.

Lol, what? Have you ever been to Vancouver? I've even been on vacation in Mexico where a waiter asked the table next to me if the they were from Toronto and they were straight up offended.

Don't really care but blue jays should definitely not be Canadas team. They are the Toronto blue jays.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2007
As a Nova Scotian and a member of a Red Sox fan group here in this province that has over 400 official members, I resent the Ontario establishment making the claim they are Canada's team. I long for the return of a team to Montreal to end this absurdity. There are tens of thousands of Canadians who call the Red Sox, Yankees, Tigers. etc as their team. Call them the Ontario Blue Jays I you wish. I resent that the Blue Jays were upset when the Red Sox brought the World Series Trophies to Halifax to celebrate the 2007 and 2013 wins with the thousands of Nova Scotians at local malls, schools, hospitals and museums. All loving Sox fans eager to get their photo with the Trophy. Jays were upset claiming Nova Scotia was part of their territory.
Before the Jays made their playoff push last season, I was concerned how long they could survive with the .crowds they were drawing. Blue Jay fans are the biggest band wagon jumpers I have ever seen.

Easy for you to say, as a glory-hunter.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2011
Southwestern Ontario
Is it "Canada's team", or is it just Rogers (who own the team) pumping that ideology to try to expand their brand via sportsnet? That aside, be grateful for the support around your team. 3 years ago most people didn't give a **** about the Blue Jays and you'll see the fair-weather fans disappear if the Jays fade into mediocrity again. I despise the Jays, but this is a very special time for your team so soak in these moments.

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
Baseball is a great game. I enjoy it but it's roots for me s are more home based. Who doesn't recall a catch with their father or pretending to pitch with your brother or your neighbours reaction when that perfect pitch sales thru their kitchen Window.

For me i dont hate any teams anymore in baseball or hockey. I don't follow the boring fringe sports lke basketball football and soccer

I didn't watch much baseball between my dad's death in the 1999 until laast yr when I went on vacation in PEI and rented the very cabin my dad had rented for his family when i was a kid. I believe it was when tulo made his premier. I just fletcher the urge to watch the jays and I did Thursday out my vacation after the kids would go on bed id catch the Jays game

I may have not watched baseball I surely didn't root for any other ball teams and I'm back on the fold where I belong once more.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
Is it "Canada's team", or is it just Rogers (who own the team) pumping that ideology to try to expand their brand via sportsnet? That aside, be grateful for the support around your team. 3 years ago most people didn't give a **** about the Blue Jays and you'll see the fair-weather fans disappear if the Jays fade into mediocrity again. I despise the Jays, but this is a very special time for your team so soak in these moments.

Correct, they were never pumped up as Canada's team when they were irrelevant for 2 decades.


Registered User
Nov 18, 2011
Kind of related, but I find it funny how most sports writers and commentators just assume that if someone is a Jays fan, they must be Canadian. Not that they're from Toronto, but that they're Canadian. This happens all the time.

Surely there must be at least a small number of American Jays fans out there somewhere. Grilli comes to mind (although he's not the best example since his dad played for the team).

And yeah, who cares about bandwagoners. Bandwagoners are fine. Even though they cheer for every pop up, they create excitement and generate revenue. And they come out of the woodwork for every winning team; Jays aren't some anomaly in that regard.


Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
Don't care.

HOWEVER...when I see people on twitter with Jays avatars taking shots at the Leafs, it bugs me.


Registered User
Apr 11, 2012
Before the Jays made their playoff push last season, I was concerned how long they could survive with the .crowds they were drawing. Blue Jay fans are the biggest band wagon jumpers I have ever seen.

As a Red Sox fan, then, you should know how similar Jays attendance was when the team was unsuccessful to Boston's numbers during the 60's, 70's and 80's.

The Sox have been competitive for most of the last two decades, so people tend to forget that no one gave a **** about them when they were terrible.

It's the same way with every team in every sport: hardcore fans will support them when times are bleak, and the bandwagon fans will hop on board when things turn around. Boston isn't immune to that, it's just been a long time since there's been a reason for fans to jump ship.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2011
Just wondering what some of the residents in the GTA think of all the non GTA Jays fans with 0 ties to Toronto. I for one have no problem with the long time out of town jays fans, but all the people that jumped on the bandwagon, not so fond of. I believe the Jays should be Toronto's team. If the Leafs were in the Cup finals being only Canadian team left, we would not be called Canada's team. Should swing both ways.

For those that are ok with this,
Would you be ok if they were named The Canada Blue Jays?

I think the main problem is that it should be Toronto's team, not Canada's. Then I would have no problem with all bandwagoners.

First off thats ridiculous "canada blue jays" mostly because there once was the montreal expos..and there may be soom again. As well the raptors are canadas team as well since they are our only nba team.

As for your bandwagon comment we had the best attendance record in the mlb this yr...and last summer is when that started.

The reason is winning. The jays had terrible teams shortly after the 92 93 world series, unlike our dying passion for hockey, baseball took a backseat. I for one still went to the odd game and watched on tv but the pace is too slow so when you suck for a decade it becomes impossible to watch.

It is said the way it is because we have several hockey teams and I think our profits (leafs) prove leafs are most popular hockey team.

The fans of toronto are the best in the world and when you have one of our teams gunning for a title where we have a great chance the country stops. In fact because our leafs have been bad for so long its helped the jays and raps get a larger fan base. Which is great for the city and the economy. I know personally i didnt give a f about the raps until 2yrs ago..but now i not only love the team but i love the game and understand it a lot more

Hockey will always be my "highschool sweetheart" but



Registered User
Oct 9, 2009
Weren't the Raptors Canada's team in the playoffs last year? I think happens strictly because the two Toronto teams are the only Canadian teams in their respective leagues. It's as simple as that. But I will say BC/Vancouver are massive Jays fans just look at every time the Jays play in Seattle.


Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
As a Nova Scotian and a member of a Red Sox fan group here in this province that has over 400 official members, I resent the Ontario establishment making the claim they are Canada's team. I long for the return of a team to Montreal to end this absurdity. There are tens of thousands of Canadians who call the Red Sox, Yankees, Tigers. etc as their team. Call them the Ontario Blue Jays I you wish. I resent that the Blue Jays were upset when the Red Sox brought the World Series Trophies to Halifax to celebrate the 2007 and 2013 wins with the thousands of Nova Scotians at local malls, schools, hospitals and museums. All loving Sox fans eager to get their photo with the Trophy. Jays were upset claiming Nova Scotia was part of their territory.
Before the Jays made their playoff push last season, I was concerned how long they could survive with the .crowds they were drawing. Blue Jay fans are the biggest band wagon jumpers I have ever seen.

I've been a fan since 1984 and I resent fans of other teams assuming we are bandwagon jumpers. It's not like the Sox, Yankees or Tigers get much fan support when they're ****. Somehow people think this is a trait exclusive to Toronto. It's ridiculous.


Registered User
Oct 9, 2009
I've been a fan since 1984 and I resent fans of other teams assuming we are bandwagon jumpers. It's not like the Sox, Yankees or Tigers get much fan support when they're ****. Somehow people think this is a trait exclusive to Toronto. It's ridiculous.

Just look at Atlanta lol


Registered User
Jul 23, 2003
Asheboro, NC
Visit site
I've had a seat on the bandwagon since '85.
Hope that bothers you too.

Hear, hear!! Canadian transplant to the U.S. (not originally from Toronto or even Ontario for that matter -- however, have made multiple visits to the GTA) for the last 40+ years. Been on the Jays bandwagon since 1985, too. :yo:


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
As a Red Sox fan, then, you should know how similar Jays attendance was when the team was unsuccessful to Boston's numbers during the 60's, 70's and 80's.

The Sox have been competitive for most of the last two decades, so people tend to forget that no one gave a **** about them when they were terrible.

It's the same way with every team in every sport: hardcore fans will support them when times are bleak, and the bandwagon fans will hop on board when things turn around. Boston isn't immune to that, it's just been a long time since there's been a reason for fans to jump ship.

I guess you would have to look further back for Boston because during the 70's they never had a season with fewer than 83 wins, had some tough years winning 97 games and 99 games but missing the playoffs. Their attendance wasn't great except for the last few years so they were winning and fans still weren't going early on.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2009
I grew up in Windsor, and wearing the Old English "D" most of my life. Spent both '92 and '93 in Stouffville, visiting family, watching and cheering the Jays on to back-to-back Titles. To this day, I have equal love for the Jays and Tigers, and cheer passionately for both. When they play eachother, I'm torn. Last year I wore Tigers gear to the friday nightgame in T.O., Jays gear Saturday, and a Leafs t-shirt Sunday.

My country has one team, and I support them with all I've got. I also love my Tigers.

It is what it is. Let people be fans. Stop being ***holes.
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