Makarov > Balderis? Sure, but not by enough that he'd beat him every year. Balderis won in 1983 in points and his PPG was comfortably above Makarov too.
But the reason for Traktor is that Jagr could skate regularly with Kip Miller and be a healthy Art Ross winner. Or play three quarters of the season and win an Art Ross. If you have to pick a player to win a scoring title who isn't one of the Big 4, Jaromir Jagr is (in my opinion) the best bet.
Which is why I said that I think that Makarov would have been
one of the main favourites for the scoring title most of the seasons of the 80's even if playing for Traktor. However regarding the 1983 season it should be noted that Makarov had a dip in his PPG that season perhaps due to playing half-injured for some part of the season after the shoulder injury that kept him out for a part of that season.
Here is an earlier post that I have made regarding this.
Hall of Fame debate: Sergei Makarov
Larionov on Makarov…
“His speed, his skill and his hockey sense. His eagerness to be the best every single shift, every single game, every single tournament, his goal was to the best every time he was on the ice. It didn’t matter if it was the Soviet league, or world championships, or Canada Cup, or Olympics, he was always the guy that was hungry to score goals and to be successful and at the end of the day, to be the guy at the top spot”
I think that Larionov does a great job at giving an explanation for Makarovs consistency as a player. It is in my opinion perhaps Makarovs most impressive quality. His ability to remain the top scorer season after season in the Soviet League and produce at a very high level tournament after tournament internationally. Don’t get me wrong Makarov clearly started to decline after his peak in the early/mid 80´s but even when he was declining he still remained a very consistent scorer. Here is Makarovs points per game average season by season from his first full season in the Soviet League to his last relatively full season in the NHL.
77/78: 0.86 (Age 19, Soviet League)
78/79: 0.89 (Age 20, Soviet League)
79/80: 1.55 (Age 21, Soviet League)
80/81: 1.61 (Age 22, Soviet League)
81/82: 1.63 (Age 23, Soviet League)
82/83: 1.40 (Age 24, Soviet League)
83/84: 1.66 (Age 25, Soviet League)
84/85: 1.63 (Age 26, Soviet League)
85/86: 1.55 (Age 27, Soviet League)
86/87: 1.33 (Age 28, Soviet League)
87/88: 1.33 (Age 29, Soviet League)
88/89: 1.23 (Age 30, Soviet League)
89/90: 1.08 (Age 31, NHL)
90/91: 1.01 (Age 32, NHL)
91/92: 1.03 (Age 33, NHL)
92/93: 0.80 (Age 34, NHL)
93/94: 0.85 (Age 35, NHL)
94/95: 0.56 (Age 36, NHL)
To me this is the numbers of a very consistent scorer who managed to remain consistent even when declining. After his jump in scoring between the 78/79 season and the 79/80 season his numbers was slowly and steadily improving up until his statistical peak season in 83/84 (
with one exception in the 82/83 season where he got a shoulder injury and his points per game average dropped abit possibly due to him being somewhat affected by the injury even in some of the games that he did play in). After his statistical peak in 83/84 Makarovs domestic numbers started to slowly decline season by season instead.....
And regarding Jagr vs Makarov I have already stated in this thread that I rank Jagr ahead of Makarov. But not with more than a small margin.