Registered User
I know I will be in the minority but I think there should not be limit and instead just have a 0.0% policy.
Why not just make it black and white?
In saying this I would also like for the insurance companies to subsidize rides home with the Uber type services and other ride services (obviously with a limit on the number of rides). Yes they would need a way to validate rides but this could be done with apps and the ride services.
Is this realistic? Most likely not but I can dream. I also just hate seeing the damage that impaired drives can cause.
Again, I am not judging other for driving under the legal limit but the .08% limit terrifies me because everyone reacts different with booze and I have seen people get sloppy with 1-2 drinks. Chances are they blow under but they are still not fit to drive. The human body is just crazy like that.
Distracted driving is another scary issue that keeps getting worse.
It's just completely impractical, and would be 100% abused by police, who already abuse the shit out of their power... f***ing mouthwash might put you over 0.0.