Speculation: Another year of this Bluc **** (The 2024 season thread)

This but

This so much

great teammate, absolutely

but no one took him seriously on the other teams because he was just a punching bag

That's where jeannot is at, he's not a threat, he's not keeping anyone honest, he just loses every single f***ing fight and yaps the whole way down

He's a much better player on the 4th line though where he plays like a 4th liner not like a 4th liner pretending to be a 2nd liner.

Jeannot hasn't been as good in his scraps in a Kings sweater but he is still pretty decent, a far far cry from Buchberger, he would just get pummelled. I vaguely remember comentators taking the piss out of his name and fighting ability.
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Took me 44 yrs of my hometown team being the laughingstock of the nhl to sour and as soon as championship mgmt and team is put together the best team that ever happened to the kings is stabbed in the back by a group of brain dead ex jocks that not only screwed the team in thier playing days they screwed the team, ownership and fans by creating mediocrity and ensured retirement as goals. Mediocrity as as a goal is loser goalsetting. Why cant we set a goal as championships? Why not us?
I'll always be a fan of the kings. But i'll be goddamned if i cant comment and think critically and evaluate them in all aspects.
This is beautiful
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Ivanans looked cool but was kind of mediocre as a fighter. He was pretty defensive and wouldn’t go after the other guy. MacDermid was better. (Both were better than Parros.)

I do remember seeing Ivanans go absolutely psycho absolutely once

Dumb piece of shit Staubitz did something I hate, checked the shit out of a guy who was already engaged, and it looked bad/high in real time...Ivanans came in seeing absolute RED and Staubitz is so lucky Jody Shelley saved his life as he f***ed off to the bench to let Jody fight, you can see Ivanans just seething after the Shelley scrap, pointing at Staubitz then it cuts out. That's a terrifying man right there.
I do remember seeing Ivanans go absolutely psycho absolutely once

Dumb piece of shit Staubitz did something I hate, checked the shit out of a guy who was already engaged, and it looked bad/high in real time...Ivanans came in seeing absolute RED and Staubitz is so lucky Jody Shelley saved his life as he f***ed off to the bench to let Jody fight, you can see Ivanans just seething after the Shelley scrap, pointing at Staubitz then it cuts out. That's a terrifying man right there.

Wish that f***n linesman let Ivanans at Staubitz

