Speculation: Another year of this Bluc **** (The 2024 season thread)

No, but the gap is considerably narrower than 23-25.

McDavid really hasn't been the issue, its been Draisaitl eating Anze's lunch.

If they matchup Danault with McDavid and Byfield against Draisaitl, the Kings would be in their best position yet to beat the Oilers. Doesn't make them favorites by any means, but the increased Kings depth and weakened Oiler roster is a factor in the Kings favor. They haven't enjoyed that advantage in the three prior tries.
This only matters when the Kings have last change, so at most 4 of 7 games, and also doesn't factor in Edmonton just double shifting those two (which they'll do and have done) against other lines, making the whole match-up attempt moot.
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No, but the gap is considerably narrower than 23-25.

McDavid really hasn't been the issue, its been Draisaitl eating Anze's lunch.

If they matchup Danault with McDavid and Byfield against Draisaitl, the Kings would be in their best position yet to beat the Oilers. Doesn't make them favorites by any means, but the increased Kings depth and weakened Oiler roster is a factor in the Kings favor. They haven't enjoyed that advantage in the three prior tries.

somehow read this as McDanault and Bysaitl

Good luck unseeing that, suckers
Re Oilers I dont think anything else matters if the extreme special teams disparity cant be addressed. PP over last 3 playoffs:
  • Edmonton Oilers:
    • 2022: 50.0%
    • 2023: 50.0%
    • 2024: 45.0%
    • Overall (3 seasons): 48.1%
  • Los Angeles Kings:
    • 2022: 15.8%
    • 2023: 22.2%
    • 2024: 0.0%
    • Overall (3 seasons): 16.3%
Other notes:

Outscored 9-0 on special teams v EDM last playoffs

24-25 Reg season PP%: EDM 25.6, LAK 15.6.

Penalty minutes taken/60: EDM: 7.02, LAK: 8.29

Penalty minutes drawn/60: EDM: 7.39, LAK: 6.96
Florida used pressure on the pk. They actively went at the puck holder. This opened things up behind the defender, but in moving quickly it rushed the passes before the oilers could get in position.

Last night Doughty took away the cross crease pass, half going down, instead of pressuring the person with the puck. This allowed Beddard to just skate right into the lane & rip a shot off the pass because Doughty was down & they could adjust.

Mikey had a similar issue a week or two ago. He went down on the pk to block the cross ice pass. The player just looped around with no pressure & waited for Mikey to make the exact same play while a teammate coasted into the crease for a good chance.

By being passive, you allow the offense the time to set up plays. Going at the puck opens plays up too, but the team doesn't have time to get the perfect pass, shot off.

somehow read this as McDanault and Bysaitl

Good luck unseeing that, suckers
Really have to watch the McD. . . Auto completes
(Yes I am this petty and childish) Did you guy's enjoy Eklund's articlee?

You do know every team at some point uses the 1-3-1 in the playoffs, right? Last year Fox showed 2 or 3 times EDM used it when they were up a goal.

“At some point” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

There’s nothing wrong with the 1-3-1 when a specific situation calls for it.

The f***ing problem is using the 1-3-1 when you’re down a goal and it’s game six.
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