They only seem to win with the 11/7 - which I think is masking their inability to find reliable line combos. I think the reason no one has ever run the 11/7 for entire season (that ive hard of) - is because it wears down the players - made worse by running a tight check system. That could be part of the reason for the scoring drought. Some of the below have sucked the entire season.. but Laf, Kopi and Foegle were producing well previously
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It's largely just a result of variance catching up to many of these guys, the Kings got off to a great start do to overachieving, now they stink because things are evening out.
Moore - Career year last year, obv slumping but he's a 15-20 goal type guy
Jeannot- Another horrible Blake trade, 18 goals in 187 games since the fluke of all fluke seasons. Should not be counted on for any offense.
Kopi - Slumping for sure, but he also greatly overachieved earlier in the year and variance is catching up
Laf - Like Kopi also being hit by variance. He wasn't going to score 35+ goals, a crashing down was overdue.
Danault - This is probably just who he is at this point, maybe a slight slump, but he never gets threatening chances anymore
Foegele - PPG player in December with 19% shooting% just completely unsustainable
Fiala - The enigma, still on pace for around 30 goals, so was probably also running well earlier in the year
Byfield - 2 goals in 10 games is 16 pace over season, he had 20 last year and on pace for 19 this year, baby slump, but 3 in 10 would be overachieving
Turcotte - That is a 15 goal pace, I'm guessing that Turcotte ends up being a guy who gets you 12-18 goals most seasons in his career.
It's funny how the Kings media will highlight this, but will never suggest that the earlier season results were flukey when things like Kopitar scoring at a 90 point pace through 30 games, or Laf scoring at a 36-goal pace through Oct/Nov with a shooting% north of 20% or Warren Foegele scoring at a 40-goal, point-per-game pace over 12 games that the team went 8-2-2 in was just not going to be sustainable.
They aren't as good as they were or as bad as they are now, things will eventually stabilize a bit, and the Kings will be somewhere between what they were in December and what they are now, which is a 12-16 in the league, black hole team that is 1st round cannon fodder to an actual contender, or what they have been the previous three seasons since Luc Robitaille and Rob Blake declared the team "contenders"