What does that even mean? Any cop is going to bark an order at an inebriated, ID-less grown man who's suddenly gone non-compliant and begins resisting. They bark it to cut through whatever brain-fog creature is in the dope's head telling them they can control the situation.
And the answers and comments by the cop some here are labelling "passive-aggressive" or "sarcastic" are actually de-escalating and non-confrontational in the same way those comments and tone would be considered if dealing with a 4 year old, because at that point it's obvious to the cop that's the level of brain function he's dealing with in Brunette, that of a 4 year old.
Don't think so? The very first thing Brunette tried to do was deny to the cop he was driving, that his wife was. This, while the cop is pulled up right behind his golf cart...a vehicle with literally the clearest view of the seats in existence... with his wife still sitting on the passenger side.
That's the sort of lie a 4 year old would think clever and attempt when denying raiding the cookie jar with black Oreo crumbs on their face and goo stuck in their teeth.
Then Brunette mumbles something about not having his licence, but his wife did as if one can drive-by-proxy. By this point, anyone knows they're dealing with someone who's brain is so fogged you need to deal with him like a very young, reluctant child in order to coax info out of him while keeping in mind he could throw a tantrum/snap. A cop is not going to deal or talk to him like any of us would deal with our drunk buddy.
It's long been "the times", decades, that talking your way out of a DUI or getting a ride home instead is next to impossible. So what times are you referring to?