...and Marchant fires back

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Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
Frustrated with them saying they arent informed, when they are specifically trying to keep everyone informed. He also said, no one on his team wants a salary cap.


The original, baby
Feb 28, 2003
Nashville, TN
thinkwild said:
Frustrated with them saying they arent informed, when they are specifically trying to keep everyone informed. He also said, no one on his team wants a salary cap.

What's he supposed to say? "Everyone on the team, well, except like, a couple of guys, is TOTALLY against a salary cap"


Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
Well if the majority of secure NHLers are not against a cap as you are suggesting, we will get to solve this problem very quickly in the next few days.


Gold Fever
Feb 27, 2002
Back o' beyond
thinkwild said:
Well if the majority of secure NHLers are not against a cap as you are suggesting, we will get to solve this problem very quickly in the next few days.

Depends...I doubt an open vote is on their agenda.

Maybe that'll change a couple of weeks from now, but not yet.


The original, baby
Feb 28, 2003
Nashville, TN
thinkwild said:
Well if the majority of secure NHLers are not against a cap as you are suggesting, we will get to solve this problem very quickly in the next few days.

I never said a "majority," but I'm willing to bet that there's more than you might realize. The players would have you believe that no NHL player worth his salt would be caught dead in a cap system.


Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
I dont think its something they suspect that just genetically any hockey players will have. It is a question perhaps even for philosophers. Like us. :)

Without representation, or people looking out for their best interests, hockey players just want to play. Heck they'd even let Alan Eaglson represent them. THese guys just want to play. These issues of cap, cba's, why do they want to think about this. Just take a cap. THey are extorting us, and successfully, just give in. Whats it going to hurt?

Well there is a lot of hurt possible. Now and in future generations. DUring a time when the Isles and Pens are in a new arena, Florida is winning, and St louis is rebuilding, all the current losses will have disappeared, but the percentages negotiated to make things work in tough times will now be regretted. Like the NFL is now regretting.

Its not an easy decision to come to. For sure a lot of players like Commodore have a real valid concern and they are going to suffer. They have to take this fight on as a team.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2003
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Of course someone that is grossly overpaid is not going to be in favor of a cap.

Marchant is the epidemy of what is wrong with the NHL.


Marchant's comments are a joke. If he wouldn't have hit a big payday with the CBJ I think he would be singing a different tune. Regardless, he should be worried about this lockout as much as a guy like Commodore b/c if the CBA results in a few teams folding, he could be on the outside looking in faster that you can say "expansion".

two out of three*

nomorekids said:
gee, tragically-overpaid third liner Todd Marchant is "frustrated" with players coming forward and speaking against the current situation?

I can't imagine why.

I don't like his comments either, and the way he has been playing he is overpaid.. But with all due respect, he was a great 3rd liner in Edmonton.

But thats beside the point.
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Registered User
Oct 27, 2004
I don't blame Marchant for the money he's making, because if an idiot GM/Owner offered it to me I'd take it as well.

However, the NHL's economics are critically ill (because of the owners), and players have to realize that if the game continues on it's present course the NHL will be a 10-15 team league within 10 years.

With us$ 2 billion in revenues, there is more than enough money for both sides. I understand it's Goodenow's and the NHLPA's job to get the best deal possible for the players, but the funny thing is I grew up with a current NHL player, and as teenagers he just wanted to be able to play hockey without having to pay for ice time !!!

I'm sure this is similar to most other NHL players, so I suspect that if the lockout continues without talks between the sides, the number of outspoken NHL players like Commodore and Pothier will grow rapidly.


todd marchant was totaly useless for the oilers last time they made the playoffs...

hes an undersized runt who only gets to play because there are 30 teams...

of course he chose a non playoff team...where he could earn ridiculous amounts of money...and not have to produce when it counts...playoffs...

todd marchant is the personafication of an NHLPA scavenger...

i hope they have him talk more, it just hurts the greedy players more and more hahahahahahahahahahaha


Registered User
Mar 31, 2004
Marchant should watch what he says.

The majority of fans applaud Commodore and Ferrence. In fact, during commercial breaks on 'Movie Night in Canada', Ron Maclean featured a terrific profile on Commodore. Last time I checked, there were no plans for profiles on Marchant.

Message to Marchant and the 'dozens others' who are taking note of Commodore, we are taking note of you.

Motown Beatdown

Need a slump buster
Mar 5, 2002
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What i find funny is a lot of you in this thread are raging Marchant for what he makes. Did i miss the memo where Todd used a Jedi mind trick on the Blue Jackets and forced them to pay him that much?

Do some of you people realize Marchant is gonna get paid the rest of his contract regardless of the outcome of the CBA? His and other big contracts a binding and wont be ripped up because of a new CBA. So why should he care, after all once his deal is done he'll be close to retiring. Maybe just maybe he and other are looking out for the younger and future NHL players.


The original, baby
Feb 28, 2003
Nashville, TN
JWI19 said:
What i find funny is a lot of you in this thread are raging Marchant for what he makes. Did i miss the memo where Todd used a Jedi mind trick on the Blue Jackets and forced them to pay him that much?

Do some of you people realize Marchant is gonna get paid the rest of his contract regardless of the outcome of the CBA? His and other big contracts a binding and wont be ripped up because of a new CBA. So why should he care, after all once his deal is done he'll be close to retiring. Maybe just maybe he and other are looking out for the younger and future NHL players.

oh, how cavalier those NHL players are, just looking out for the well-being of their posterity!

or is that posterior?


Hope for the best. Expect the worst
Apr 2, 2002
"``But there are guys on our executive committee that are in the same situation, guys like Bob Boughner and Trent Klatt. Trent Klatt is a perfect example of a guy that's making a major sacrifice. Those are guys that everyone should relate to."

how are Boughner and Klatt in the same boat as Commodore, Ference, Pothier and Dagenais?

Boughner 589 reg. season games (the time you get paycheques). makes over 1 million a year and has for a few years now. 10 years in the league. HAs made multiple millions in his career thus far. NHl regular even if it's just as a #6/7. He will remain employable because of his experience.

Klatt 768 reg season games. Make over 1 million last year and has made near that amount for the past 4 seasons or so. Over his 12 years he has probably collected $6+ million in salary (probably near $8 mil). He is a very good third/fourth liner who with his experience and versatility will not be out of a job. That and he has had time to build his bank account.

Then we have Commodore (75 reg. season games), Dagenais (110 reg. season games), Pothier (105 reg. season games), Ference (251 reg. season games). Guys who are battling for a full time spot RIGHT NOW and have not been collecting an NHL salary for very long. Guys who may have only a handful of years in the NHL and are seeing one of those years pissed down the drain.
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Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
bahh , just do what the flower said (lafleur)

pull the plug and start over (go thru the stages to get to impasse)


Registered User
Mar 16, 2002
Marchant's flapped his gums a few times too often. When the Oilers traded Carter and Niinimaa, he was mad. He said something along the lines of: "I'm sick of our players being traded away because of money."

He immediately took his free agency to the bank, cashed it in, is one of the more overpaid players in the league, and is now one of the leaders of the greed train.

Hypocrisy at its finest.
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